Hi there guys,
Sorry, I tried to post this in the tutorials section but it didn’t work.This is the second most relevant section, so…
After watching the array modifier tutorial at blendernation, I figured I could use the all new modifier for a primitive that in other modeling programs can be made with a few clicks and sliders. In the video tutorial I’m showing a way to make it. It is still a bit painful but at least feasible. If you want you can keep the result in a blend file and append the model in every other project you need it, without having to construct it all over again.
Here is the video file
had quite a tough time uploading it with my dial-up…
The height of each turn is not important, don’t sweat it since you can scale it down or up the local z axis to make it more or less dense
The same technique can be applied to make the spring object, but I used the array on a cylinder, not just an edge(maybe I’ll make another tutorial if necessary)
So, when is v2.42 coming out?
And when will it implement a decent bevelling tool for selective bevelling? I can’t imagine modeling anything serious without such a tool. Yeah, realtime shaders are cool but we first need to build models to apply them on, right?
Let’s give Blender the powerful modeling arsenal it deserves, so that professionals will take it seriously as well (and we can work faster!)