Create clouds with cycles, possible ?

Googled around and found a lot of tutorials and threads about creating clouds in blénder but its only with blender internal, I want to do it with cycles, is it possible and what does it take ?

It’s not possible right now as Cycles has no support for volume rendering yet.

There’s always the tried and true method of using particles to create camera-aligned planes with a spherical blend texture with procedural noise. You can get a convincing effect if you enough, but it will also give about the same speed compared to rendering true, unbiased, volumetrics. (in other words, slow).

NOTE: If you do this, don’t forget to use the particle info node to add the global XYZ coordinates to the object coordinates, otherwise you will get the same pattern on every plane.

Thanks for your answer, but I think I wait until cycles have a not so complicated way of doing it…