Create Game Assets in Blender

In this video, I share with you my workflow to create game assets in Blender and the following aspects:

  • Balance between poly count and texture usage
  • Bake from high poly to low poly
  • Bake masks
  • Bake PBR textures
  • Create a procedural mossy stone texture
  • Modeling a small rock formation
  • Shrinkwrap modifier to improve high to low poly baking

In the video, I used Grungit, Material Nodes addon, EEVEE Production Suite, Blocker, UV Packmaster, Tissue, Asset Manager, and Quad Remesher. But, you can use any other addon or build-in Blender tools.


00:00 Intro 01:00 High Poly vs. Low Poly 01:25 How low poly should we go 03:00 Modeling a small rock formation 04:00 Remesh high poly to low poly 06:30 UV Unwrap Low Poly mesh 08:00 Prepare the mossy rock shader 08:24 Bake Normal map - High to low poly 14:45 Why baking masks? 16:12 Baking masks 24:00 Baking curvature 27:00 Moss and Stone Shader 28:33 Using Masks to mix the shaders 53:00 Baking procedural textures to PBR 56:00 Make a thumbnail and save it in Asset Manager

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This is the final asset:

This is the wireframe: