Create the look of printed concrete procedurally?

I’m trying to create a procedural material for the look of printed concrete walls or surfaces. I am not the world’s greatest node programmer, and I wondered if anyone would be willing to take a crack at it. Here are some samples of the texture I’m seeking:

Something like this should get you started- you’ll want displacement, of course, but this will work as the underlying shader


Ooh, yeh, so far so good. Nice. Thanks indeed! Gable

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Hi there,

If you use vector tiling, you can snap the values and use a white noise for random lines; if you separate RGB for the white noise colour, you will have 3 random channels, with 4D, you can randomize infinitely. I used that for the noise base, and added to a mapping to randomize the distribution for each row. Another channel for displacement. You can control the in-between width with the colour burn and the falloff with colour dodge + RGB curves for fine tuning.

It needs more textures for fine details like holes and stones, and all that; but this is a working base to continue :slight_smile:

I used an HDRI but so big I could not upload, so I swapped for a sky texture :slight_smile:

printed concrete.blend (946.6 KB)



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OMG…never saw a colorramp with so much stops… :scream: :scream:


Haha it is prolly too much, but easier than it looks.
You download and open any picture in blender image editor, then hover over the ramp’s color line, hit E, hover to the picture in blender and click-drag your mouse.
You can repeat as many times as you want, this way you can pick colours from the actual thing or reference image :blush:


Now THAT, my friend, is phenomenal. That’s precisely the tactile feel I was hoping for, and the probabilistic way it remains rectilinear while generating wibbles and wobbles really replicates the effect concrete printers generate. Completely outstanding! Thanks to both you and Mssr. Hansen.


OK, so now I’m trying to accomplish your suggestion, to add bits of variegation, to show the aggregate/sand/gravel in the mix. Any suggestions on how to do that while maintaining the nice look you already have?

This is actually sulfur concrete, explaining the tinges of yellow.

You could do it procedurally like below, and then mix that into @AgentTuron 's shader- probably with overlay mode on a MixRGB node, or soft light:


Yes, thank you @joseph
I basically wanted to suggest random voronoi stuff, masking with its own color (greater then), and set bump to invert. :grin::grin:

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Ah, still more thanks to you both. You make the community an amazing place to be. I’ll give these suggestions a try.