Create this texture procedural

Hello guys!
Does anyone know, how to create this texture procedural? thanks for your help!!!

This is probably quite a difficult task, especially because drawing random lines in a Blender shader is not straight-forward.

This pattern is composed of trapezoids and parallelograms; I have no idea how even to mathematically describe how to compose a random tiling with those two shapes:

In the particular pattern you are showing, it seems that the pattern for this hexagon was pre-defined, and then a hex-tiling composed of random rotations of this pattern was constructed.

So if I had to create such (or this) pattern in practice, I’d probably draw one of these hexagons as a .png file and use a hex-node setup (mine is probably the most inefficient way of defining one, but it works) to repeat this hex-tile with random rotations:

(I just took a screenshot from your photograph and cropped it)

random_hex_triangle_tiling.blend (231.9 KB)

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Nnice! ( …have to type more; <10 char not allowed and only more n is no sentence!)

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Hi, i don’t know if this will be of any help to you but what i can see is diagonal and horizontal lines with parts of the lines omitted.

Very nice Thanks! Can you send me the .blend file please? :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry, this is just drawing on top of your original.
You will have to figure out how to do it in blender.

I started to try to implement something similar, but didn’t get very far. Feel free to play around with the .blend file though…

random_triangle_lines.blend (153.0 KB)

Oh, and instead of using a png-file as in my earlier suggestion, you could try to build that single hex-tile procedurally from basic shapes (those trapezoids and parallelograms). Maybe this here helps:

The SDF texture patch might help with stuff like this