They can’t rename it to “Radial object” because it is also used for Scale and Translation.
EDIT: however, I agree that “Object Offset” is a bad name, because it just implies translation.
They should call it “(Rotate/Translate/Scale) Modifier Object”
I’ll drop in cause I’ve read this thread and later on came across another good method of making circular arrays.
Use CAD Transform add-on:
Remember that so far, duplication only works in object mode, so you’ll need to work on separated objects and maybe join them after finishing your array. So select your object, activate CAD Transform addon from the toolbar, hit R to rotate, pick pivot point of rotation, then choose axis of rotation (this step I found more difficult but if you’re in top view, it’ll just rotate around Z axis) and start moving your cursor. Hold CTRL and scroll up mouse wheel to add duplicates. Hit Enter to confirm.
I know it sounds a bit elaborate, but in fact it’s really fast.