Creating a Cmir mask???

I am doing my first proper texturing, creating it myself etc… and I have hit a problem. I need a reflection like texture for metal and a dull paint texture on top. Everything seemed fine till I put it all together. What I have is:

3:Reflection with csp cmir for clarity
4:Shaped mask, alpha enabled transparent with green solid, nor and cmir enabled to cancel out reflection in desired areas.
5:Specularity mask, legacy, not really needed.
6:Texture colour map

The problem is that my texture 4 cancels the reflection, but because it has cmir enabled acts almost as though it were shadeless. What I need is some way of blocking the reflection cmir, without just replacing it, so that the material is as it was before there was a cmir texture.

I have tried having a black cmir but that just gives near shadeless black!!

Is there a way of doing this? Does what I have said make sense to you? Do you need a picture to help?

Any insight would be good.

You will want to place your mask before the CMIR texture, set it to stencilmode and make sure it either has a real alpha channel (press ‘usealpha’ in texbuttons) or a calculated ditto (press ‘calcalpha’)

If necessary you might need to invert the mask to get things the way you want them.

Thank you Jamesk,
Works a treat! :smiley: :smiley: