Creating a face from bezier?

hi, I’m new to Blender, but not 3D.

I have a simple star character consisting of rounded and hard edges that I traced from a drawing using bezier curves, however I’m getting no results for curves to mesh. (using 2.81a)

I simply need to extrude this shape and give it a bevel, I used bezier’s to get the rounded aspects of the character. any help would be greatly appreciated.


I’m not sure if this is the case you described, but maybe try something like this:

Convert the bezier curve to mesh, it will only create edges without a filling

In edit mode, select all the vertices and create a face

Extrude it and add a bevel modifier (or just bevel normally)

thank you, Lillya! for some reason the alt e wasn’t doing anything, but I right clicked on it and selected convert to mesh and it worked, thanks again!