Hi guys, I am running into an issue where I’m making a face by defining 4 verts and then I want to rotate that face to match a certain axis, but it’s not working because my created face is always 0,0,0 rotation.
Here is my code. It will take an object that doesn’t have a zero’d out rotation and move it to the origin and make it match ob2. I just need this to work even though I have 0,0,0 on my rotation. Is this possible?
Hey, thank you for the help! It still doesn’t match exactly though. I’m wondering if maybe the answer is to get a tangent space matrix with N, a random up vec , and the cross product and then somehow compare those to the same matrix of the B plane? And then that difference in angles could somehow tell me the offset?
I’m not sure what the right approach for making plane A and plane B have the same alignment
Remember seeing this a while back when I was making a move origin addon.
Tweaked it to work in object mode. Select two planes. The active plane is the target.
import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Matrix
context = bpy.context
deg = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
objs = context.selected_objects
A = context.object
B = objs[objs.index(A) - 1]
src_mw = A.matrix_world.copy()
src_bm = bmesh.new()
src_bm.from_object(A, deg)
src_face = src_bm.faces[0]
src_o = src_face.calc_center_median()
src_normal = src_face.normal
src_tan = src_face.calc_tangent_edge()
# This is the target, we change the sign of normal to stick face to face
dst_mw = B.matrix_world.copy()
dst_bm = bmesh.new()
dst_bm.from_object(B, deg)
dst_face = dst_bm.faces[0]
dst_o = dst_face.calc_center_median()
dst_normal = -(dst_face.normal)
dst_tan = (dst_face.calc_tangent_edge())
vec2 = src_normal @ src_mw.inverted()
matrix_rotate = dst_normal.rotation_difference(vec2).to_matrix().to_4x4()
vec1 = src_tan @ src_mw.inverted()
dst_tan = dst_tan @ matrix_rotate.inverted()
mat_tmp = dst_tan.rotation_difference(vec1).to_matrix().to_4x4()
matrix_rotate = mat_tmp @ matrix_rotate
matrix_translation = Matrix.Translation(src_mw @ src_o)
# This line applied the matrix_translation and matrix_rotate
B.matrix_world = matrix_translation @ matrix_rotate.to_4x4()
# We need to recalculate these value since we change the matrix_world
dst_mw = B.matrix_world.copy()
dst_bm = bmesh.new()
dst_bm.from_object(B, deg)
dst_face = dst_bm.faces[0]
dst_o = dst_face.calc_center_median()
# Be Careful, the order of the matrix multiplication change the result,
# We always put the transform matrix on "Left Hand Side" to perform the task
dif_mat = Matrix.Translation(B.location - dst_mw @ dst_o)
B.matrix_world = dif_mat @ B.matrix_world