Creating a motionblur deformer with GN

I am trying to replicate this effect:

My thought process was as follow:
Subtract the Position vector of the previous frame and the current frame to get the Velocity.

Then Dot product the Velocity with the Normal to make a mask.

Displace the vertice inside this mask with the inverted velocity to make it look like it lags behind.

And optionally add some noise.

Here is my current setup:

But I think the inverted Velocity is stacked in every frame.
Not working

How can I add it once in each frame?

Here is the file:

Geo_node_Motion_Blur_Def.blend (1017.3 KB)

you nearly had it! Try it like this:

The From Max input from the Map Range node controlls where the effect will start, going from -1.0 (backfacing) to 1.0 (front facing).
The To Min input controlls how “stiff” the effect is/how fast it will move to the correct position, going from 0.0 (very flexible) to 1.0 (non deformable).
The Blur Attribute node smoothes out the transition - just play with the Iterations input.

Good luck!


Oh thank you so much for your elegant solution. Its gonna look awesome on my cartoony animations! <3

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