im sure there a quick way to create a zipper along a certain curve…
any1 knows how?
do a search on this name there is a sample file available
not working
meaning ?
the links in the link u provided dont work.
simple as that.
isnt there a way to make a simple object as a cube, to dupicate itself along a certain curve?
well i can upload the file i guess if you need it !
but let me know
now you can do your own zipper
just model it and use the curve array modif and curve modif
also see theses
You could use the ShrinkWrap modifier to lay the curve on the boot mesh, then have the zipper follow the curve.
use hook
happy 2.5
To : Dman11
Some referece/visualization about what kind of zipper that u want to model would e very helpfull
If the zipper looks simmiliar in “little big planet” character , i suggest using mirror modifier , curve modifier & some picures as references
heres the blend file.
plz ignore the other meshs, and focus on “zipper line” which is the line hte zipper is supposed to go with, and “zipper”.
if u manage to make that happen plz show me how
sorry for bumping but i really need this solved.
I think people might be reluctant to answer because of a few things.
- You used Megaupload -> ads, waiting time for downloads and other stuff people don’t like
- A rather big .blend file. You could have removed everything that wasn’t necessary before uploading.
- You don’t seem to read the replies people give you.
RickyBlender gave you a good, and fairly simple way of doing this. You need to add a curve, and shrinkwrap that to the jacket/vest and then have the zipper follow the curve. Right now you are trying to shrinkwrap the zipper itself to the vest, which, as you see, won’t work.
sorry did not have much time to work on this one lately
i did a short file version with only the minimum objects
normally you should have a curve for the line to shrink not a mesh line!
so i have to do that later tomorrow may be when i have time
so meanwhile here is the short file for this
if anybody has the time to look at it please do
i did it in 2.49 sorry
but same principles can be done in 2.5
you can import the objects into your 2.5 model from the 2.49 file
i’ll try tomorrow if i find the time sorry for the delay
happy 2.5
already tried with a curve lol, i must have converted it back and forth and 100 times.
tried all kinds of things.
plz try to fix this issue. thx.
got it to begin to work but having problem with the curve
there is a kink in it not certain how to get rid of it!
can someone help with his one and shrinkwrap is not done yet
[ATTACH]123218[/ATTACH]here the latest model
you need to select array function of lenght
see file here
seems to be close to the shape you need i think
let me know what yout think !
sorry you need to select the curve and zipper and move up a little to fit precisely on the cloth
i forgot to do that in file
see pic here
happy 2.5
cant seem to see the modifeirs in 2.5.
mind uploading an image of what u did with the mods in 2.49?
[ATTACH]123240[/ATTACH]here is file in 2.5
you can append the zipper and curve into your file
Here is my quick build. Find good flat image of zipper assembly for background image. Build your model from this template; pic A, slider build and pic B, teeth. Slider has mirror modifier on it, so that only one side needs to be built. All teethes are identical so you only need to build one teeth object. Assemble it with Array modifier, to add row of teethes. Now add Curve modifier to bend the zip line. Duplicate the other side of zip line and offset it, so that teeth fit at the joined bottom. I found zip line bends sharply as slider slides over them. Gentle curve bend will not do. You can probably getaway with straight curve with hard bend on it.
you mean you can close the zipper as the slider goes up !
that would be very cool !
do you have sample file for this effect
is it done with lot’s of
IPO curve for animation ?
Thanks and happy 2.5
nice build ridix, ill try to do something like that later on my model. thx