Creating Christmas scene in Blender

Modelling, texturing and rendering Christmas bauble in Blender!

Good work :slight_smile: Thx.


from 2:23 -2:51 you refer to using a bezier circle to create a new shape. I am having a hard time grasping this concept. Would you be able to detail the steps you followed.

Thank you

Hi dsmarra!

Separating edges helped me to control the number of curves I created. If I would leave edges the way they were my curve would go wild, for instance it could result in a curve that would look like the letter “W”. I would have to manually delete some segments and join them with another one in order to create lines I needed.


Thank you for that explanation. Now I see it all comes down to the shape of the curve making it easier to work with. I was able to quickly achieve the result you showed in your tutorial.

Boun Natale !!

Great tutorial! You covered a good deal of various techniques in a single project which is rare these days. Hope you continue to create and share more with the community.

All the best,