Creating Flickering Lights In Blender Cycles

Greetings Everyone,

I am currently working on a scene in blender that I wish to animate. Part of that animation is getting light to flicker in cycles render. Could someone please give me a direction to go for this technique?

Thank You


animate the strength value. hover over the value and press “I”. most things can be animated.

Using a random driver would help automate the flickering. Likewise for stuff like this the curve editor for better control.

Yeah. I’m working on this right now with an F curve noise modifier but having trouble getting to shown when scrubbing the time timeline. Ideas?

Also – make it easier on yourself by treating the light that is apparently being put out from the various sconces, separately from the “practical lights” on the sconces themselves. Although they may appear to do so, and would do so in real life, it is much easier to not try to rely on them as actual sources of light.

step 1 : create a lamp, for example a point light(lamp);
step 2 : select the point light, then enter property panel, find the “Energy”, enter driver expression : # 10 * noise.random(). (10 means the max. value of the point light, noise.random() (value range : [0, 1))then modifies the energy value at random).
step 3 : switch to render mode, (eevee or cycles are all OK), press [Play] (hot key -> space) to see result.