November 8, 2015, 4:18am
ctrl+c, ctrl+v copies object
ctrl+d duplicates
??? makes instance
How to create instance of an object?
so many objects change when I change one of them
I know there is group instance, but when i tried it out objects aren’t working in bullet animation…
ctrl+d duplicates
The default shortcut is Shift+D to duplicate. Alt+D creates a linked duplicate
If you want to copy rigid body settings from one objet to another you vans use the options in the toolshelf
November 8, 2015, 7:48am
But duplicates do not react like instances. If I change duplicated object(for example in edit mode) only that object changes I need to make INSTANCES of object.
November 8, 2015, 7:53am
Duplicate your objects. Then select all of them and hit ctrl+L for link. Choose link object data.