Creating multiple variants of the same material

Hi All, I am new to blender and have been learning it intensely for the last 3 months. Now I have a situation where I need to create multiple variants of the same material, and each one needs to be individually editable without affecting the others. Basically I want to use a texture I already have, on other objects and be able to vary the material slightly on each without affecting the others.

I have searched and searched for this specific question and come up with nothing, though I presume there’s an easy answer! Thanks in advance.

So you want different materials on objects/faces
If you have a material already you can just press the + button next to its name to create a duplicate.

Please supply additional info for more help as your original question can be interpreted a number of ways
What renderer are you using ?
What differences do you want between the different materials ?
Are you wanting to change the texture ?
Supply demo blend file and textures etc

cycles or Bl ?

if it is like wood planks in cycles
you could use the info node to have some random changes for different objects using same mat texture

happy bl