Hello, I must have something in prefs turned off, or a I have managed to screw up something basic. Trying to make an editable procedural Asphalt Material Node Group.
For starters, I was trying to follow this tutorial:
I realize it is from 2020 and probably using 2.9+? However I am seeing completely different things in 3.0.1 UI and it is very confusing. If there is a new way of doing this and someone knows of an updated tutorial that explains this, I would very much appreciate a link.
First obvious problem, when I select my nodes and press CNTRL-G I no longer get the Green background making it obvious you are in a node group. I see that I do have a Group Input and it says “NodeGroup” at top, but what happened to the Green?!?
When I press “N” and go to the “Node” tab, that is not where I can do what the tutorial is showing (adding/changing Input/Output settings), I have to go to “Group”. Also, when I add a default numeric input for the Voronoi Scale, it completely removes it from my object? I chose Float, and tried all others nothing works, I could have this part incorrectly setup as well, but why would it remove it completely?!?
And, when I am there it still doesn’t look the same or even work the same as the tutorial for anything. I made an input for the “Crack Color” and changed the Type from “Float” to “Color” and it is completely ignored.
I know this is a common workflow people use, I am just completely lost and can’t find a tutorial on how to do this in 3.0.1. There are many different UI changes or changes in where things are compared to what I see in my searches, I can’t figure this out.
Any help would be much appreciated, with so many UI changes from 2.9 to 3.0+ I thought for sure I could find an updated tutorial, but I must being using wrong search words or…I don’t know.