Creating Shadows - another solution than baking textures?

Hi there,

I and and another friendly stadiummaker work on stadiums for PES 6 with BLENDER.

We are still BLENDER beginners. Now we wanna have correct light and shadow effects in the stadiums.
For this we already tried vertex painting and baking textures.
The result of our Allianz Arena with baking textures like this:

But since the bake feature entails that the originally texture loose quality we´ve the problem especially for our Crowd in stadiums. Here we show you how it looks if we bake our crowd textures:

screen/texture before:

After baking:

Texture becomes really weird even with texture size 2048 x 2048. The baked crowd looks weird. So we thought about if it is possible to get the bake effect also into the vertex paint mode to vertex the baked shadow onto the Crowd files for example? That solution would have many advantages – not at least the advantage that we could stay with the originally texture for example. So if banners change it is more easy to edit the texture new than it is baked.

Finally our main question is:

Which is the most effectiv and quickly way (for example with vertex paint) to make shadow effects looking same than using “bake texturing" - but without changing the textures. We wanna have the shadow just as “overlay” and not onto the textures. You´ve any ideas how we can solve our problem and you can describe us the function in blender?

This is the result we wanna get with your solutions:

Nobody have any solution? :frowning: Please help us.