I imported this character from Maya I wanted to reconstruct his facial setup in blender. [ATTACH=CONFIG]121702[/ATTACH]
I imported an obj of the shape key target (same model but with a raised eyebrow)
Then I used the Join as Shape Key function to create the Shape Key.
Below is the result.
It seemed to implode on itself and kinda turn inside out:
Does anyone know what might be causing this?
I remember a problem like this happening in 3ds Max. It had to do with the numbering of the vertices in both instances of the model being different. eg: If vertex 1 on the base model is numbered vertex 500 on the Key model would that be the cause of this warping?
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I did try to install that script. In Blender 2.55, instead of a Install Extension button there is a Install Add-on button. Maybe this is just a new name for the latest version but… anyway I tried to install the script using that button but nothing happened.
The script can now be seen in this Add-On list under User Preferences but the new buttons aren’t there.
What can I do about that?
Gonna try exporting the import from Blender and then re-importing it. Heh
The instructions are now obsolete because of the new system… but it is included now on all builds of Blender (if you get the latest on Grpahicall)
If you are using the latest official release, you just add it from the add-in menu. But by default, it installs the add-on, but does not activate it. To activate it, you need to click the check box by the add-on’s name. Then it will be active every time you come into Blender.
if it doesn’t seem to be working, look at your console window (it pops up behind the GUI Window) and see if there is an error listed there.
It works, though. I use it on the current build all of the time…
Hi MarkJoel thanks for the reply. Didn’t notice that little check box cheers!
But I still have this crazy warping issue happening. Tried importing the disired obj shape model into 2.49 and then appending it to my 2.5 scene. used the add corrective shape option but still the shape key scrunches up.
One thing. When I mported the obj into 2.49 there is a button “Keep vertex order” that is on. I tried turning that off but it refused to be turned off.
This iissue is a vertex order thing isn’t it?
Will upload the files later. Uploader keeps freezing firefox.
If you are in 2.5, the only game in town is Loolarge’s script.
You do need to apply scale, location and rotations to your rig before you start though… Did you catch that in one of the earlier threads from Loolarge in the post? Also, make sure you don’t have envelopes also on in your armature.