Creature Factory out July 8 !!

Yay! just ordered mine :smiley:

Get it here

Hey this is cool. Nice Job Andy!
The Mancandy FAQ was cool, but this looks more interesting for me. :smiley:

Tracking the evolution of an idea from creation to final render - and beyond.


I ll be at my parents’ house for vacations so ill send it there.

So this actually takes you through all of the steps to producing a 3D short? If so, this is what I’ve been waiting for !

Andy made a really good job in this one, I’ve seen some material from the DVD here at the Institute and it’s great, he goes through all the aspects of creating the final movie, character modeling, baking/texturing, rigging, animating, lighting, compositing, with all the tricks on the way, it is a piece of gold!

Just placed my order :smiley:

Congratulations Andy :smiley:


Very nice job, I’ve been waiting for this to come out, I’ll probably place an order soon :D.

Great job Andy!

Just watched the preview videos; this looks really awe-inspiring!
Too bad I can’t order right now. :frowning:

i want one of these!

when is the download supposed to be available, at the same time as the dvd release or a while after it? I would still like to donate money, but I don’t want a physical DVD.

I’ve been looking forward to this DVD since it was first announced, and now it’s almost here!

Great work Andy, and thank’s for your effort!

these videos are the best thing the institute could have ever done

I am very impressed by this DVD, by looking at the previews.

Wow! :eek:

I have to get a copy of this. Judging by how much I learned from just the video fragments on the site, this is worth its weight in gold.

A huge thanks to Andy,


If it’s half as good as Mancandy then it’ll be well worth its price.

Looking at this really makes me hope Andy goes back to the BI for Project Durian.

I second that!
This looks cool. Gonna get me one.

Was looking forward to this since I saw the teaser at last year’s bconf, I just ordered mine. Thanks Andy for sharing your knowledge and experience, i already learned a thing or two from just the previews.

This is probably the mother of all tutorials if you want an extensive knowledge of Blender. Based on what I’ve read, it will show you how to do that stunning 90 sec hollywood-like trailer from start to finish. My dad already ordered it for me.:yes:Yay!


just ordered it, i don’t know if I can wait a month though!

I’d definitely prefer a downloadable version rather than spending the extra for a DVD+shipping… I’ll hang out and see if such a thing turns up, otherwise, I might have to bite the bullet once I can afford a physical shipment.