Creature made from toy. Jeodan.

This is my first creature as in title mention made from one of my toys. I call it Jeodan. It’s almoust done, but as you can see it’s not so smooth in some parts, as i would like. It would bee great help if somone could help me solve this problem. (Sorry about my english)


The modeling shows its a good start, if you want areas set smooth you see to apply it to the faces, or you simply used autosmooth and the solid faces didn’t meet the angle requirements.

It would take me forever to model all the toy dinosaurs I still have despite me being 20, I estimate I have over 200:spin:

How can i tell of angle i need or it’s one of thing wich i must find out experimenting.

You can use the smooth modifier to view how autosmooth smoothes things and all edges it leaves shart, read up on it in the Blender wiki docs, you can also set edges to be sharp which that option you find in the edge menu (select the edges you want first)

Problem is i don’t understand auto-smoothing jet. Mybee someone know some good tutorials about auto-smooth. Propably i’m just doing somthing wrong, but i don’t see it working.