okay here we go
your image has won the official
and your image will be displayed in the next community journal
[if Goofster gets it done ]
again, this image has an awesome quality i absolutely luv it!
ā¦the CJmonkey patrol
okay here we go
your image has won the official
and your image will be displayed in the next community journal
[if Goofster gets it done ]
again, this image has an awesome quality i absolutely luv it!
ā¦the CJmonkey patrol
I too joins the crowd of impressed people [!]
As usual I just go :o
Cheers for that picture of the texture map, it shows what can be done with simple lines and dots and gives hope to all us who look on texturing as a black art.
Standing ovation.
me 2 :o
MONSTROUS!! great thing! i think he needs a mint to freshen up a bit his breath a bit
MONSTROUS!! great thing! i think he needs a mint to freshen up a bit his breath a bit. Can you make this type of creatures looking more like demons?
o sure, all the time it is WE the monkey patrol, but then all of a sudden itās GOOFSTERāS CJ
excellent picture!
When I look this picture, I remember Stanislav Lemās scifi novel (title maybe: Eden), in this novel there is aliens that look like this.
That is so cool! I love the horns. Excellent texturing job.
WOW! Thanks a lot!
Iām very happy
(I will write more soon)
Thank you again!
gee, im happy i dont look like him!!
stary, nie ma za co przepraszac! to ze jestes polakiem mnie bardziej cieszy niz gdy bys byl jakims anglo-sasem!!
a tak w ogole, to strasznie mi sie podoba ten potwor!! lecz musze tez przyznac, ze siatka mi sie wcale nie podoba . mniej trojkatow, wiecej quad-ow!!
PS: sorry, you sad f*ckers, i will put no effort into translating because i just dont careā¦
Hello !
Iām very sorry for long time from my last post (I got a lot of work) and I didnāt expected such interest.
CJ Monkey Patrol thanks again for award!
some explanations:
You should see the concept sketch (small is my avatar) If you want I put orginal concept too.
I played with different material settings to gain this soft surface feeling - very low hardnes (3 and lower), specular (about 0.7) and overhited lights (main spot is about 2,5 power) gives effect similiar to electrons microscopes (?) pic or very soft surface. I locate the bitmap on one channel with Col, Nor and Csp (ānorā set 1.6 and rest sets are default). There are vertex paintings too. And material has active VcolLight and VcolPaint. Btw. I canāt repeat this effect in tuhopuu.
Yes I know. There arenāt UV maped textures only ortho-cylindrical and some planar and itās hard to correct this bug. I didnāt know about genniue u-key and UV maping when I have been makeing this textures (Iām still learning this great tool). I have found Carsten Wartmanns (big thanks) tutorial about mapping head (link). I got some troubles with fitting the bitmap on my mesh, but after maybe 40 tests renders looks ok :). The ears and top head has simple planar maping. Iām going to convert this maping to UV.
Yes, then maybe he looks more funny
Maybe I can but I donāt know what you thinking about ālooking more like demonsā. I think demons should have some human attributes.
I didnāt read this one (but I will soon)
blendermax: Dzieki za kilka w ojczystym Nie wstydze sie tego ze jestem Polakiem - wstyd mi ze kiepsko znam angola i musze czasem siedziec ze slownikiem zeby cos z tego tutaj zakumac
I agre, the mesh is not good. There are only three points faces. Itās one of first my Blender meshes.
For explanation: I spend few years with max and some times with maya. But you know I needed legal software not this dang semi-educational versions I think Blender is very good program, maybe not perfect (there arenāt perfect programs) but almost.
Big thanks for all reply!
Nice work!! Looks a bit like my mother in-law (on one of her better daysā¦)
The stretching doesnāt bother me much, I would like to see less abrupt transitions (like the transition from teeth to gums, from skin to horn, lips and inner mouth) but these are just nitpicks.
Some sharper teeth and an angrier look would also be more in line with the perception I have of the character (again just like my mother-in-law)