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first reply in this thread lol…looking really promissing dude
:o :o :o :o wow! i can’t wait to see a demo!
Wow! Looks like it’s coming along great!
is this totaly community effort or is there someone backing you with money?
looks awsome
these screens are really good, the sky and fog environments are very very well done, very pretty
i know its wip so i guess i wont crit anything just yet
i know i tease doogs about his trees( ) but the tree in that shot there with the bridge going up it looks great
whats your percentage done so far?
I can just repeat myself…impressive work!!
No, no commercial backing lol. Most of our work has been design/engine related, so I couldn’t really put a percentage on it. As far as content we are less than 1% done hehe. Engine stuff is probably a bit further along.
Ill release a few more screens next week, then probably wont show anything for a while after that. We’re doing more content related things at the moment, and Xintoc has joined on as a texture artist. We’ll ask more people to help out when/if we need more:)
And Ill reiterate not to expect a demo anytime soon.
Looks great! I love the skys, and the interface graphics (compass, message boxes, etc.) are outstanding.
The level could use some vertex shading though, (looks too flat,) but since it’s a WIP you probably just haven’t gotten around to it yet
Keep up the good work, I eagerly await a demo
is it me
or do I see
some L O D?? 8)
I can only say: Outstanding…
Now it seems you’ve put a lot more of “atmosphere” into it compared to the last screenshots…
I like that tree thing… looking like a fantasy world.
Tell me we can climb up trees and find ourselved in a tree-dweling village full of bridges criss-crossing colossal trees. Place where we can enjoy a view of little “shaks” attached to the trees with dim yellow lights lighting the interior of this little “shaks”. Just like those old Donkey Kong 1 tree levels… I’m getting off the point…
You guys are doing some awesome work.
Does the word DEMO ring a bell?
pretty cool saluk, levels look kinda flat why don’t you add some lights?
I aggry with Fred the tree rocks!
cool cool. And I wont criticize you this time.
:o Looking great!
Hey saluk, when can we expect to see Peter’s hands there? I’ve seen them and some of the animations for them, they rock!
Hmm, brother…
My hands are there… Don’t you see them?
But we are thinking about upgrade them a bit.
Argh!!! I feel old!
anyway, the game looks pretty good so far, but i agree on the shading, and the textures, but since Xintoc joined, and he’s a TEXTURE GOD i bet that will change, keeep up the good work there, i wont allow u guys to quit this game untiiiiiiiiilllll it is finished ;), but 1%, then u guys have 1000 more years to go since u guys started this project like, 2-3 moonths ago… man…
Yay Peter!
Well, these screenshots or mad old, we just dont have much of the current stuff ready to show. Don’t worry, we will light the levels and get some textures in there and put tons more detail, and etc, but our focus is gameplay!
I find it hilarious that people read things into these shots, like thinking the tree is more detailed than the last time you saw it, or thinking there is LOD:)
Ill show the rest of the screenshots from that batch next week, then lay off a bit until we have anything really new that’s showable.
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR COMMENTS! It’s really encouraging.
I find it hilarious that people read things into these shots, like thinking the tree is more detailed than the last time you saw it
but it was… last time i saw the tree is was just a brown cylinder, no branches… i think it was a dcc image from doogs in irc… if your telling me theyre still the same tree, i would have to burn your for witchcraft and/or lying!
yes, i said the tree was more detailed to saluk on irc… yay me, i was right