Crescent Dawn Team Expands!

Hello everyone!

Good news! We have just adopted two incredible gameblender creators: Cluh and Lizard809 - from the famed parody “Indian Joe” game from the game contest!

Lizard809 will be our new texture artist, and has created some amazing things already for use.

Cluh is creating creatures and helping with item objects.

The spinhead site will be updated to accomodate this amazing addition!

No offence, but your posts of late have sounded a lot like advertisements:

Cool to hear that some people have joined the project. So the developement will also speed up. :smiley:

Btw, About the last game contest, where can I find the links to those games? When the contest was over I had a 56k modem, so I couldn’t download it fast enough, and until I downloaded Hellstation, Dr Doom and Shootem, the site was down. So I couldn’t check the another games :x , does someone have the another games on his pc, or has got a link to download them?

The games I already have downloaded:

  • Hellstation
  • Dr Doom
  • Shootem

I really want to see the another games. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s great doogs, it’s good to see new developments with Crescent Dawn.

JD-multi: You can get Shoot’em, (slightly updated since the contest,) here:

you can get Indian Joe here:

And I am happy to make it on such a great game team!

cluh, wiseman303, thanks :smiley: Now I can check them, great. Now only a few more I couldn’t check. :stuck_out_tongue: