criticise please!

Hi guys!
Please, can you have a look at this and tell me what’s wrong with it?
How can I make the diamond shinier?And the gold more…gold?
I used a photon lamp above the diamond but it doesn’t look it works.
Any suggestion or critique is welcome, but please, have pity, I’m still a noob! :o
Thank you guys! :smiley:

wrong forum man, try WIP

Or ‘focused critique’ :stuck_out_tongue:

well crit number 1: take 3seconds time to post in the right forum and not just the first you see. It should have been WIP (or focussed critique).
If your diamond isn’t all colory and shiny the possibility exists that your model isn’t accurate. To make a nice diamond (real life) you really need to cut it right. Maybe these settings can enlighten you a bit more about the mat settings.
The eye could use a shave :slight_smile:

