Cryengine 3 free!

I am absolutely thrilled to hear that crytek is now providing cryengine free to all.
Quote from their wiki:

Anyone can now download a full version of the best All-In-One Game Development Engine, for free and use it without charge for non-commercial game development. You can try out the fastest toolset for creating game worlds and use the power of CryENGINE 3 in your own games

They seem to walk on footsteps of unreal tech :wink: but anyways I just cant wait to get my hands on it. :smiley:

Awesome… :smiley:

This is awesome news! Cant wait to see what everyone gets out of this engine :smiley:

yep, btw i think we should have a jumping like madmen emoticon. would be perfect for such occasions :slight_smile:
oh guess i got to wait to download it. my net is slow and capped :confused:

btw anyone knows how they do vegetation? that doesnt look like speedtree? looks fantastic.:eyebrowlift2:

I am installing it now, will be great fun to try it out :slight_smile:

I expect it won’t take long before someone codes an exporter for Blender to Cryengine :stuck_out_tongue:

mm… but i think you can still import much of the stuff from blender to it. not sure about bones. ill just cross check from wiki if it can import fbx.

EDIT: OMG! this came like an electric shock!!
They already made a blender exporter. someone just needs to port it to 2.59

looks cool, but why is it 658 megabytes? did they include a bunch of textured models or something?

Last I looked (a year or so ago) the blender exporter stopped developing due to lack of interest…

I guess that things could change with a free version available now.

Everything isnt as small as blender XD. I havent tried it but i can say for sure they must have bundled atleast one demo map and some props & textures.

Its strange its half the size of UDK & recommended system requirements (maybe only ram) is/are less? (UDK recommended ram= 8 GB while cryengine 4GB?)
btw anyone would mind to share what are you doing with it? :smiley:
Im excited like hydrogen electron in 5th orbit. :smiley:

It´s nice to peek into it, but that´s really it.

The free version is not for commercial use, which leaves to you play with it or release free stuff.
Also you got no access to the sourcecode unless you apply for a license.
And if you ever want to go commercial with whatever you created… I was unable to find out what a CryEngine3 license costs, but I know that a CryEngine2 license was/is around 500000 USD. So if you have any indication you ever want to go commercial with your project you either need a lot of funding or better look for a cheaper engine. There´s a reason why so many indie devs choose UE or Unity3d :wink:

500000$? Are you sure you didnt press 0 button a bit longer? :smiley: oh thats not meant for indivisuals unless bill gates gifts me that on my birthday. :smiley:
Anyways I just look at this as some fun. Maybe we can get a few more cool ideas about improving bge from this. :slight_smile:

For those developers that are looking to make the step in to commercial gaming, Crytek offer a royalty-only license model for any games created with their SDK. Where Crytek will only ask for 20% of the revenues from the commercial launch of the developers game.

Oh. Didn´t knew that. 20% is fair enough. I guess by now Crytec found out that their techdemos don´t sell that good and licensing only for AAA games they´ll make no revenue compared to Unity or UDK.

There´s no such option according to the crytek page though. I guess the news travel faster than the guy mainaining their page :smiley:

And if you browse their licensing page:
They shroud themselfs in mystery what the costs might be.

No sorry. It´s right. In words, half a million USD. Could be a misinformation though. As agnostic I tend not to believe stuff I haven´t seen. And as you can see above crytek does it´s best to keep the fees a mystery unless you apply for a license :smiley:

Hmm…i think I’ll get it tomorrow night.

cryengine is good :slight_smile: I have some friends at Crytek :slight_smile:

nice! :slight_smile: maybe you can apply for a job. Your skills are amazing.

@mr.richard thank you for the info. 20% should be a huge relief for those who were planning to use it for commercial games. I too see a point why crytech is doing it. They are already paying their devs nice amt. Of bucks & other facilities. So they would want a fair bit of profit in return. I think there would be hardly few (countable on fingers) companies that would have bought the engine coz of price. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m downloading it now here :). CryEngine 3 it’s really very good. And about that plugin blender>cryengine, someone should rewrite it to blender 2.59 :slight_smile:

i already downloaded it, but saw one thing: it don’t support dx11. How to patch it to d3d11?

That would mean that right now, I would have to pay well over one thousand USD before I can even attempt to use these engines.

  • A new high end machine with 8-12 gigs of RAM for good performance, a late generation GPU, and a processor from Intel’s i-series or newer - 1400 to over 2000 USD.

  • A copy of Windows 7 64 bit - 100 to 200 USD

When you read below all the marketing on a no-price barrier to using an engine used by major game publishers and notice things like the system requirements, then for many people, the initial cost to get to the point of using these engines is a lot more than the commercial license for a lot of indie engines like Unity and NeoAxis (and obviously a lot more than Blender’s free game engine).

I’m about to the point where I have more than enough money to do that, but I want my next upgrade to give a similar leap in performance as my last one (which would be a PC 4 to 5 times more powerful than my Quad Core, and getting a new machine now without having to spend a fortune won’t get me that leap so until then, I’ll stick with the BGE)