Cryptomatte in latest build 2.8

To my surprise I see in the latest build of 2.8 in the compositor >Matte > Cryptomatte.
Without documentation I started to click nd connect randomly. Got something out of it, but no idea how it works. Any idea’s?

It’s essentially a way of getting object ids, but without setup. More info here:

Looks like it’s waiting for to land before it is functional.

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yes, I’ve seen that developers-thread a couple of weeks ago, and now discovered the node in compositor. Indeed, I suppose we have to wait until we see the needed renderpasses for that. Probably not first priority for the developers.
For now I use MartinZ’s unknown addon on
That works much better than object-id’s with their alias issues.

Yes. The compositor node not going to be very useful without support in Cycles…

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