Crysis/Kamen Suit

Hi there! This is my first post here though I have been lurking this forum from time to time, usually to find some answers regarding Blender :smiley:

Anyway, the place I am working at is currently switching (painfully) from Maya to Blender, and I volunteered to test out the modeling and sculpting part of Blender. Needless to say I was surprise at the capability though I wish that multi-threaded feature is implemented asap.

I did this for a test on and off about a week, usually after I finished my rigging and rig maintenance duties. Hopefully I can finish this as soon as possible. As of right now the model is further sculpted in Zbrush. Hope u guys like it, comments and critiques are welcomed.

This is still in Blender.

This is in Zbrush.

Professional work, thanks for sharing. Can you share the circumstances that brought your studio to switch from Maya to Blender? How many people are employed there?

I myself stopped maintaining my Cinema 4D license (at 8.something) but I’m just an independent. Strange that a studio would make the switch. Are you worried about support?.. Sorry, burning questions on my mind… don’t mean to hijack the thread.

very very nice!

[edit, should have read mode carefully]

Impressive blender work!
the zbrush version is very cool. What made you switch to zbrush halfway? Blender had processing difficulty? (due to non-multrithreading sculpting)?

looks good, kinda the same questions as Ecks and secundar.
comments: it looks more like some kind of monster than a human figure isall, because the proportions do not appear to human to me. But it’s a realy nice piece of work.

Looking good! Freaky Dude I don’t know Crysis but I think that is one of the aliens in that game.

I think it is great that you switch to Blender although I would like to know the reasons too. Are you planning on bringing enhancements to Blender as part of your job?
I’d also be eager to know what you think is needed in Blender.
BTW are you also testing the new builds with the GSoC code for Multires and scultping?

Looking really good! :slight_smile:
How about texturing?

That looks awesome!
Great work!

…I echo all the above…

Thanks for the comments. It seems the proportion need to be further tweak since I did deviate away from the original suit proportion. Was thinking along Metal Gear Solid’s ninjas hence this proportion haha.

Well regarding the place I work at, it is just that our project pipeline administrator, or whom I called the tech guy, happens to be a fan of blender. He introduced us to this great software and the producer and team lead is convinced so yeah here I am testing it out. I am still rather new to the industry with less then 2 years under my belt so a sudden change of software (not the first time, I touched max once for 4 months) is kinda painful to me haha. (sorry for the rant, just thought I’ll clear stuffs up)

About blender’s sculpting, I would say it’s pretty solid, much better then Maya default sculpting tool or Max for that matters. It’s far easier to block shapes quickly and sculpt then retopo compared to pure modeling alone, since we could make big drastic changes withs shapes and silhouette. And so far Blender does this well!

On the 2 gig single core Linux workstation I tested, I managed to push it to 4 million polies without crashing though that file is practically junk, since I can’t do anything after that. 1.8 - 2 mil is the highest I can get and still manageable speed.

Unfortunately even though I was said to be more technical inclined, I don’t think I can improve Blender in anyway internally. I am bad with maths and programming…makes my head spins :spin:. My tech guy did mention something interesting though, about some Project Durian that he said I should change. Something about monsters and explosion and live action film.

Anyway sorry for the long post. I’ll update this soon if I can find time to touch this work :smiley: Thanks

This comment alone is a jewel. Thanks for sharing your prof experience. And I hope we can offer answers for your blender questions someday… Though it doesn’t look like you’ll need it!

wow, thats very good, r u planning to use it in an animation or any kind of production?

very professional sculpting, though he doesn’t really look too crysis-like. any renders of the backside?

Oy, seeing that you can get comparable results to ZBrush from Blender makes me want to cry! I’m that impressed. :smiley:

Though, hitting about 4 million polygons even in Blender is a bit much. Hell, even 2 mill is pushing it in my opinion! Then again, I’m just getting back into modeling, so I can’t say much.

That’s some serious sculpting skillz:) although I have to agree that the crysis nanosuits look more mechanical than this, this is more alien-like. I am amazed that you managed to get this good sculpting in blender alone, just because of this zbrush no longer looks as vastly superior as I imagined it in my mind, except for the polycount issue…

Outstanding work. I have no idea how you managed to work with 2 million polys in Blender on that machine though. What kind of graphics card(s) does it have? I am excited to see your studio making the switch.