Cryss WIP

Congratulations! Your hard work paid off. She looks fantastic.


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Yes! So satisfying to see a long project come to a great finish! Looking great! I never saw the reference, you definitely upgraded it 10 fold. Wow, so cool.


There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count, and those who can’t. :v:


Ahhh… i should have looked into this earlier… at first i thought a bit like "fan art from something i don’t know… hmmm… can’t say much… (and was wondering about the boots… :sweat_smile: )

But seeing the ( you almost cant say ) result… (… because even after being featured… )

Thanks for keep going and going … :clap: :clap:

(Slight off topic: It would be nice if we see at least a tiny bit off this in some of the Finished Projects postings of some others… but in general also on other platforms there seems to be a flood of just images… even stollen or generated (<- and this is definitly off topic … and i’m talking o myself again :crazy_face: … going to multi like you now ))

Done… dozends of likes :heart:

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Many thanks! :slight_smile: