It’s that simple. If you read the title, you know the problem. No matter how much I press the key combination, Ctrl and Tab together, it refuses to work as its supposed to. It WILL NOT switch into pose mode if dealing with a skeleton\armature. I also believe that Ctrl+Tab is also supposed to bring up some type of painting mode under certain circumstances, but right now, I just can’t press Ctrl+Tab and have it switch into pose mode.
It’s so incredibly annoying to have to manually set the mode. I know it’s supposed to work, I’ve done it before, same version, same computer, same hardware, everything.
I’m running under Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit if that’s relevant, as I recently did switch from Windows 8 to 7. Although I could’ve sworn that it was at one point working as it should.
Also, using Blender version 2.71 if that’s relevant. But I also have these nightly builds that I’ve tried that also have the issue.
Have you checked your shortcuts in the User Preferences / Input panel
Have you tried going back to the factory settings (File / Load Factory Settings)
Have you checked you are using the default blender shortcuts and not one of the other built in presets
…The main game I play is switching over to Linux in October, I’ll just install that and be fine. I like the default shortcuts. Unless there’s some debug mode? You know when I enable screen cast mode, it will show when I press Tab, N, T, and whatnot for their respective functions, but won’t show Ctrl+Tab.
Alright, so I took an extreme, I re-installed Windows, tested Blender before installing anything, and Ctrl+Tab was working fine! …When I first re-installed a few days ago… I was going to record this thing on re-targeting a skeleton for a friend of mine, and I was having the same issue AGAIN.
I had been running Windows for not even a week and I was having the problem again. I don’t run any out of the ordinary programs. I’ve got your typical array of things like Notepad++, Steam, Audacity, Chrome, and etc. However Ctrl+Tab did start working again, when I did an update to my graphics card drivers. Here’s the thing, I had installed NVIDIA’s CUDA Toolkit as I’m also into C++ programming and wanted to learn how to take advantage of the GPU in applications where the CPU is not as great.
When installing this toolkit, it installs its own version of NVIDIA drivers. Since I updated my NVIDIA drivers, Blender started working properly again, and so this is my only guess as to what caused it. However I don’t know, the display driver kind of went in and out as it does when updating drivers, so when I restart my computer, maybe the same problem will happen again.
So if anybody has this weird issue I suppose, mess with your video card drivers. You shouldn’t have to. This makes zero sense. I don’t know if this happened because I was using NVIDIA’s ShadowPlay to record, I don’t know, but I do know that the issue is something to do with the drivers or the like.