Cube Size Dependent on Object Location

Is there a way to have a box that surrounds both characters regardless of where they are?

I am making a scene where the lighting is basically an emissive box that surrounds my characters but they will be moving a lot and I don’t want to move/scale the box with them. Kinda like a shrinkwrap for two objects, but it’s geometry doesn’t change only really its scale.

I imagine I’ll need geonodes. I just don’t know much about them.

Possibly as simple as this?

Ooo! Yes! That’s perfect…… almost perfect.

How can I delete/hide the top and bottom faces?

Also, how can I put a little distance between my box and my characters.


@joseph has a fine solution. As he was replying I had put together this, getting the same result by comparing the normals. Your choice!

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Yours is better because it doesn’t rely on hard-coded face numbers (that I believe can change if you flip normals or something)

You both are amazing. Learning geo nodes is like learning a foreign language. I don’t know how people do it