Hi all, this is my first post here after a (way too long) break from Blender. I travelled the world, learning the ways of the world (ok… so i played videogames… same thing, right?). Welp, I got absolutely no inspiration from my worldy travels… so I sat around tryin to think of something to blend. Finally decided on these guys!
And another…
Whadaya think? I use C&C for soap… so if you comment I won’t smell bad.
Very realistic…other than that…
Looks a lot like pixel chix (a toy) without the backgrounds in the screen.
It looks nice right now, maybe a few more blocks.
wow i had to look at it a few more times to make sure it was really made in blender!
I really hate it when people talk like this… Especially when the work is as simple as this.
No offense to the creator of course. This is very simple on the modeling concept, but it’s well lit and the render is great.
Really great. How’d u get the screen? Or did u just scan it. Anyway, really nice
//\| ||4//\3 15 57r1k3r & 1 15 a OMG h4x0rZ!!1!1!!1!
Nice work dude, not familiar with the product, but not bad.
The emblem/logo on the top of the consoles look a bit fuzzy, in the texture window slide that filter setting to 0.100 (as far as it will go) and that might clear it up, can we see a pic of the actual item? I’ve never see these things before, how do they work?
They connect to each other and the little characters can walk around and such from one to another.
Do a search for Pixel Chix if you want an example.
Looks cool. Textures could be improved, but it’s not bad.
Dammit… lol… I was thinking about rendering some of these up, looks like there is no point now… good job ;)… My girl friend got me 2 of them at christmas. Now I have 6 with 2 more on the way from ebay :)) They are really good fun and very low wattage brain power…
Check here for a funky music video made with cube world dudes…
Nice work. Great clean modeling.
Did you render with blender internal?
How did you acheive the different size bevels? (Box edge Face edge)
Did you use ambient occlusion?
the shadows/reflections look a little grainy but it’s still quite acceptable.
nice first post, keep 'em coming!
Thanks M.A.
4 stars from me
To free_ality: Thanks!
To Coilgunner: Thanks! (What else can I say?)
To Alden: No offense taken, and thanks (again…)
To Spenn13: All the textures (little logo of the dog and the line, the sceen, and their names) are all scanned in. Getting the screen took 16 tries because they wouldn’t sit still! lol…
To jackblack: l0l 1|/| 9|4|) 70 |-|34|2 || |1|<3 17, 4|||) 1 |)0||7 |<||0// //|-|’/ 17’5 571|| |=||22’/, 73|-| 5|1|)3|2 15 47 0||3, |*|20||’/ |||57 |/|’/ 5(4||||3|2 831||9 57|||*1|)… 1’|| 4|)|) 4 |1|||< 47 73|-| 3|||) 0|= |/|’/ |*057 70 73|-| 4(7||4| 7|-|1||9. 0|/|9 1337 |-|4)(!!!111
To Cuby: Thanks! (do I hear an echo?)
To julesd-g6: guess what… thanks!
To Meta-Androcto: You should see a wire… i got lazy at the end, so it’s not as clean as you think Yes, it is blender internal, a yafray render of it looks exactly the same with a render that takes 6x longer. All the bevels are hand modelled, with a little help from SubSurf. Yes, ambient occlusion, set at level 10… shoulda rendered at 16 d’oh. And thanks!
I can post a wire if you want, but it’s pretty simple. Here ya go jackblack: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/plush/7b24/ (p.s. - I am flattered to hear from you, I have watched your art for years, and quite frankly am a fan hope I don’t make ya blush)
Hehe! It’s so cool to see just what shapes can do. =>
That is a finished image?
Created in 1 min of certain
Simple box and simple subsurf.
Sad but it is truth…
A thing, it does not need to visit mine blog to write for revenge, therefore although you do not understand nothing of computers and Internet, it gives to erase commentaries in blog, there then it does not need to go to want to insult me…. lol
Sorry poor english lol…
uh, how long did u spend on making this?
This is an old image, I doubt it’s even been worked on for months.
wow man, great job trying to start a feud…
henriquefz simply posted this because he can’t accept a negative comment.
Please ignore him, as this thread is old. (Also feel free to pm him about this, as he decided to pm me.)
This phrase is more or less correct
1 - If you critique my work with the intention to help me to make better,
I accept…
2 - If you only leave a commentary where you say, a cube and a sphere? I make this “garbage” in 5 minutes.
I do not accept…
And I have the certainty of that nobody would accept the commentary…
For my sadness I received the commentary number 2.
I am in this forum I am for learning and he does not being lowered…
dude…take some English classes and stop trying to be fancy.
Other than that, the textures could use some work along with the lighting, But i think it’s a good effort.
Good job. 3 stars.
I dont really know what that is Strike, but it looks ok. Textures could be better imo.