Cubism (abstract)

Here is a picture titled Cubism that I made a couple of years back… I would like some helpful criticism on it, any advice would be great! Thanks in advance.


Simple, but very nice.
I’m not so sure about the transparency, but I love the colors and the composition is also well done.

Please use more descriptive topic titles, I edited that one for you.

A bit too much shadow on the ball. But otherwise, a nice piece.


thanks for the comments guys, i’ll see what i can do
oh, and sorry about that Dittohead, i’ll use more descriptive titles from now on…:smiley:

a sugestion is that you could put some sort of wood tex on tghe cubes and some sort of jade or pearl tex on the center sphere

but i think its very good anyway

hmmm interesting thought noobguy, we’ll have to see how that turns out…