Culling Script...

i don’t know if I should post this to the python & plugins forum, but I wanted to ask if there is a very simple way to set up a culling script… I was trying to do a copy of some HugeWorldDemo’s culling script, but I was toasted after setting up two sectors, cuz it’s hard to set up that neighbour property…
so any faster methods?

and that HugeWorldDemo’s culling script needs to get some… dunno… that character’s position to set the sector active…

##Is Sector Active##
elif == 2:
	yanaX,yanaY,yanaZ = GameLogic.Luke.getPosition()
	sectX,sectY,sectZ = owner.getPosition()
	sectX2,sectY2,sectZ2 = eval(owner.size)
	sectX2 += sectX
	sectY2 += sectY
	sectZ2 += sectZ
	if not (sectX<yanaX<sectX2 and sectY<yanaY<sectY2 and sectZ<yanaZ<sectZ2): #if yana not within sector

		for sector in GameLogic.Sectors:
			sectX,sectY,sectZ = sector.getPosition()
			sectX2,sectY2,sectZ2 = eval(sector.size)
			sectX2 += sectX
			sectY2 += sectY
			sectZ2 += sectZ			
			if sectX<yanaX<sectX2 and sectY<yanaY<sectY2 and sectZ<yanaZ<sectZ2: #if yana is within sector = 1

So I think


How about this?

oh, I viewed that forum but my browser didn’t load the last post b4…

btw… Thanks… It made my day a lot hapier… since I’m going to Latvia on Saturday the game will be uncompleted