i have been wanting to make a movie/animated show for quite some time now. and one of the things that got me most excited about it is seeing the fight scenes animated by Monty Oum, no i understand he uses Maya for his animations and so on. Does blender have the capacity to do that sort of animation, graphics, and character detail? if so can someone point me to a tutorial on good character creation not using Photoshop, Zbrush Gimp or any other image to work off of. just Blender alone, and a tutorial for GOOD animations. i realise i need to start off easy, but im a fast learner. so if anyone knows how to do this or kow a tutorial PLEASE let me know. thanks everyone for your help
well if you have a been thinking about a script,
i would say first, write it down before you forget it.
the plot/story is the most important part of the movie/animation(thats the whole point)
you could have all the bling and effects and if the story is lame or unintelligible it will fail.
now, tutorials can be found at blendercookie.com,
blenderguru.com, blendtuts.com, blenderdiplom.com, blendernerd.com
or find random tuts on youtube
it takes time to learn,
dont think you can just start making a movie by yourself quickly and have it look any good.
these things take time and a team.
From what work of Mr Oum’s i’ve just found and watched (Haloid, the RWBY trailer, Dead Fantasy), i’d say yeah, Blender can almost certainly do what he was doing.
http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-series/2010-blender-training-series-intro-character-modeling/ might be a good place to start for character creation; for animation specifically, try http://cgcookie.com/products-page/blender-training-series-categories/blender-animation-bundle-fundamentals-and-toolkit/
My advice would be to skip character modelling for now and just make a bee-line for the animation stuff. Learn that first. Or at least learn them both at the same time. It’s a long way from starting modelling to doing animation if you’re going to do the whole pipeline yourself. Modelling is fun but can be a bit tedious when all you want to do is make characters have fights and do other cool stuff.
But if you want to make stuff like this guy, learn cinematography and visual storytelling (especially storyboarding) as well as fight choreography. The guy’s animation doesn’t actually seem to me to be super-slick (though it definitely does the job!) - a lot of his skill comes down to shot framing, speed (slo-mo, etc) and timing as well as aforementioned “making people fly through the air and hand out awesome beatdowns”.
Choreography and cinematography are pretty general film-making skills so there’s nothing really Blender-specific to be said about them, aside from knowing how to move the camera, knowing how to change the lens length and knowing how to do make a multi-shot movie.
Then hunt down all the movies this guy watched and games he played and dissect them - ask yourself “why that shot?” “why that action?” - take lots of notes. Mr Oum is on Twitter (@montyoum) so you may even be able to ask the man himself to ask what his favourite action movies/games are, the kind of stuff that inspired him to do what he does.
“Seek not the master’s footsteps, seek what the masters sought.”
Oh and be patient.
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