A while ago I was looking at how to do green screen. I found a image that showed a node setup that did that. Yet it seems like over kill. I more recently discovered You can use a single Chroma Key to gain the same affect. Or if needed you can add several chroma keys and have it take out different colors. Note the Attached images.[ATTACH=CONFIG]156080[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]156081[/ATTACH] I did this with another video the Chroma key and it did leave a little blue outline but that can easily be fixed. So Question is what are the advantages to both and disadvantages?
Update: In the more complex one they make it into a Mask. yet I can do that with the Chroma Key and with a ton less Nodes. I just did. So I don’t see why they did it that way.
They either did it B4 the keying nodes were available or they did it for a more refined level of control than is available via the pre-built effect. This is the advantage of a nodes based compositor. You can roll your own in order to achieve the exact smoking blend that you’re looking for.
I found I can get a refined control with a Chroma key and some other nodes. Still yeah they may of had something specific in mind or it was before the Keying Nodes. Don’t know I found the image on some website in German I believe I couldn’t read it but I could read the name of the nodes. So I just duplicated it. That was before I came to understand the nodes. Now that I know them Its amazing what you can do. RamboBaby thanks. Though I also found there are alpha overs and other things in the Video Editor though they probably function a little different I will have to explore that. Thanks again.
Rambobaby is right. Nodes afford total control over the process.
However, the example you’re sharing here is not really much of a challenge and that’s why you find the initial noodle to be unecessarily complicated.
I’d highly recommend
#1greenscreen nightmare:
#2: Sebastian’s cmiVFX tutorial:
The former is free but for 2.4x, the latter is not free but it’s for 2.5x. Both explain concepts and methods.
BlenderComp I have already been doing some green screen stuff for fun. Though I Did see how the first one started to talk about green screen spill. That would be good to know how he resolved that. I have the Star wars films and they have a making of. Well it has some green screen and blue screen. I am sure what they put in there were not the finished Blue screen and green screen shots because they have a ton a ton of blue screen fill where the face of Obi-wan is almost just blue. If that was the finished blue screen shot I feel really sorry for the guys who had to do that. Any way Point is thanks for that. I can’t afford to buy some video for you tube. So I will watch the free and see it should still help with the blue/green screen spill.
Update: I am using the stuff they had in the star wars making of for practice.
@swspecial: may I ask how you obtained the star wars practice materials?
Blendercomp I have the Star Wars DVD’s. On them they have in the special Features the How we made star wars. Though its more then just that. Well in describing how they made it they showed some blue screen shots. I just took those and am practicing with them. I can’t send them or show them because they are part of the DVD’s. So the only way to do that is to own the DVD’s.
swspecial, thanx for the info. Almost saw that coming really and was kinda hoping for a less obvious solution!
I’m not a scifi movie fan so no plans to buy the dvds.
Blendercomp Your welcome. Oh and I watched the first Link to the free Tutorial. I found his unique method of getting rid of the Green Spill works well. For one blue screen shot there was some spill on the hair and just the side of the body. It got rid of it perfectly without having to add a whole bunch of nodes or to tweak things. The other shots like the one where the whole face is saturated with the blue screen spill. That one I just have to make some garbage masks to separate it out and then use that affect. It is a nice trick. Thanks for that. Need to thank him as well.
If you found the first one interesting, the ones by Sebastian will…simply blow your mind!