current google sketchup 6


any body successful with importing models from sketchup6?
the google earth scripts seem not to work with me.
the one produces an empty mesh object and the google earth 4 format
tells me that blender cannot find any edges.


hi cekuhen

i’m having no problem importing sketchup 6 models into blender but not using Google Earth 4, using just plain Google Earth but not with the script in CVS. v 0.1.8b

jms’s kmz import script in CVS and every previous blender version is buggy. If your not careful you may find your models importing with scaling problems in x & y and not uniform scaling problems either. This i am told by jms is because any script prior to version 0.1.9c doesn’t take into account latitude and longitude settings from SketchUP.

jms solved this issue in August last year with version 0.1.9c available from his website and it does solve the problem.

I posted it on bugtracker for the forth coming blender release to find it removed within hours by Cambo, saying it wasn’t a bug and some stupid throw away comment about, ‘does it even work in 2.43’.

God knows what constitutes a bug to a developer but as an end user when i import 15 models for a urban regeneration project from 3 architects in our office to then find after they’ve all been UV mapped and textured in blender along with the site they sit on to find they are the wrong scale because we used the ‘current’ kmz import script, thats a f–king bug in my opinion as an end user.

But hey it’s my fault for not checking the scale of the import to satisfy myself the import script works, or perhaps it’s my fault for using blender at all, for commercial work.

I’ve PM’d jms as cambo suggested to ask him to put his new script forward for inclusion in CVS, but have had no reply. and the script is unchanged in CVS.

thankx for the tip.

i will look for that skipt. do you maybe have a direct link to his site?

link is here:
grab it directly here:

and yellow is right, blender has never taken kmz files exported as google earth4. Only regular google earth ones. (plain kmz). And it’s working fine with skoogle 6 :wink:


Not having the most up to date script is not a bug.

Script authors need to contribute their scripts to Blender when ready, that means the author needs to test their script with the latest blender to make sure theres no breakages with any API changes.

This means mailing the bf-python mailing list, willain, letterrip or myself with an updated version.
The bug tracker is not the place to cite old script versions in Blender.

I looked at JMS’s latest script and though Im sure its better then the old one there were areas for improvement.
Respecting that JMS likes to make changes himself, Iv contected him and he is now aware of the areas for improvement and will update before 2.43 release.

That’s great to know Cambo!
Thanks for the good news.

Good news indeed, thank you Cambo for the explaination and contacting jms.

Not having the most up to date script is not a bug.

I didn’t say it was, i said the latest script solves a bug in the earlier version. The bug being that the older scripts import kmzs out of scale if you set the model up in SketchUP to be anywhere outside of Colorado.

As an end user that’s the bug.

But no matter, finally after posting here it gets noticed and resolved instead of being deleted off the bugtracker as a time wasting ‘non bug’

Quick Update:

Following on from the update made by jms he has now updated again. Latest script:

Interesting read on the bf-committers mailing list regarding the updates and outside interference, for anyone whose interested.:D.

Thank you jms for your time and effort.