-> Current list of Tutorials etc. <-(13-03-03 09:20)

Before posting a ‘Where can I find a Tutorial on…’ question,
please take the time to check the following links (original list by ec2, expanded and integrated/categorized by me, please PM any inconsistency/omission):

(In alphabetical order of the people hosting who are not necessarily the authors)

Al_Capone: http://mysite.iptic.com/virtualblender/

    • Pretty comprehensive list of tutorials, plugins, scripts :slight_smile:

Babilon 5 Blender: http://www.b5-blender.com/tutorials.html

1 - Basic Blender
2 - Texturing: Texturing
3 - Loading and Making textured models: Appending

B@rt: http://vrotvrot.com/xoom/tutorials.html

1 - Cutting Through Steel: Animated texturemaps
2 - The Cave of Torsan A: Skinning
3 - Creating a Logo: Convert a bitmap to a model
4 - A ride in the Mines: Extrusions
5 - Hi-Tech corridor: Modeling, Halos, Flares
6 - A die: Mesh editing
7 - A dolphin: NURBS

  • Also features Blender Knoweledge Base and Blender Web Ring

BgDM: http://mysite.iptic.com/bgdm/page4.html

1 - Spherical Envmap: World setting and Texturing

BlendedMind: http://blendedmind.i8.com/tutorials.html

1 - Interface Tour
2 - Basic Hotkeys
3 - Basic Scene
4 - Basic Materials: Materials
5 - Basic Textures: Textures
6 - Loading/Saving

Blended Planet: http://www.blendedplanet.com/tutorials.htm

1 - Environment Mapping for realistic reflections: Materials
2 - Understanding Blender Dupliverts: Modelling
3 - Example Blend file…: Modelling Vertex Key animation
4 - Blender Shadows: Lightning
5 - Texture Mapping 101: Texturing
6 - Building a Babilon 5… : Modelling
7 - Character Animation with Subsurf etc: Modelling & Animation

  • Also features list of tips and links

BlenderBuch: http://www.blenderbuch.de/tutor/index.html

1 - Blender Python I - II - III: Python

    • Othet tuts in German

BlenderCafe: http://www.linuxgraphic.org/section3d/blender/pages/didacticiels/didacticiel-ang.html

1 - Beginner’s guide
2 - First Steps with Blender
3 - Modelling with cross sections: Modelling
4 - QUick Landscape Modelling: Modelling
5 - Displacement Mapping in Blender: Modelling
6 - Using Subsurf for head modelling: Modelling
7 - Materials in Blender: Materials
8 - Mastering Shadows: Lightning
9 - The ‘World’ buttons: World settings
10 - Animation Effects: Animation
11 - Parents and Childrens: Animation
12 - Radiosity with Blender: Global Illumination

BlenderChar: http://blenderchar.weirdhat.com/tutorials.php

1 - Creating Pixar-lloking eyes: Modeling eyes
2 - Cartoon eyes with lattice deformation I: Character animation
3 - Lip sinc with Blender and Magpie: Character animation
4 - Hand Setup in Blender: Character animation
5 - Foot Setup in Blender: Character Animation

BlenderLab: http://capsulemag.chez.tiscali.fr/blenderlab/tutorials/tutorials.html

1 - Pinball Tutorial/Game: Realtime
2 - Low polygon armored character: Modelling
3 - Low polygon character : Modelling
4 - Modelling a sport car: Modelling
5 - Modelling a F1: Modelling

Blender Makehead: http://spazioinwind.libero.it/free3d/

    • Not a tutorial, but much usefull to model heads: Modelling

BlenderWars: http://www.blenderwars.com/tutorials/tutorial.html

1 - Opening Crawls in Blender: Animation
2 - Texturing a Ship: Texturing
3 - Blending CGI with Live Animation: Texture Mapping
4 - Reflection: Materials

Blender World: http://kahuna.clayton.edu/~jbrooks/

1 - Cup: Modelling
2 - IKA: Animation
3 - Volcano: Particles
4 - Universal Studios Logo: Modelling

CreationAnimation: http://www.creationanimation.com/

1 - Cartoon Eyeballs: Modelling
2 - Modelling a Head: Modelling
3 - Symmetrical-Mirror Modelling Technique: Modelling

DotBlend: http://www.dotblend.com/tutorials.html

1 - Blender + VirtualLight: External Rendering

DreamsGate: http://reblended.com/www/dreamsgate/resources.html

    • No tutorials, but lists of hotkeys, keyboard mapping retc.

env: http://it.geocities.com/enricovalenza/howto.html

1 - Modelling an Allosaurus Fragilis: Modelling
2 - Texturing an Allosaurus Fragilis: Texturing

IamInnocent: http://membres.lycos.fr/bobois/index_anglais.html

1 - Make a Hole in Subsurf: Modelling
2 - Roll a subsurf edge…: Modelling
3 - UVmap a fighter plane: Texturing
4 - Batch process your image: Rendering
5 - Subdivide or subsurf to see textures: Texturing
6 - Make parts of an object transparent: Texturing
7 - Make your first animation: Animation
8 - Join or separate: Modelling
9 - A long series on UVmapping: Texturing
10 - Getting rid of trublesome orphans

Imgranpaboy/blengine: http://www.geocities.com/blengine/tutorials.html

1 - modeling/lighting an acoustic guitar and scene in many ways: Modelling
2 - modeling columns/lighting with radioisty: Radiosity
3 - makeing a campfire scene: Particles

IngieBee: http://www.ingiebee.com/tutorials.htm

Ugh… too many to list!!! go by yourself… I’ll definitely have to make an engine.

jms http://jmsoler.free.fr/didacticiel/blender/tutor/eng_index.html

1 - Extrusion controlled by IPO: Modelling
2 - Python Script Programming: Python
3 - Blender - Povanim: http://jmsoler.free.fr/util/blenderfile/povanim.htm

Juicy Blender: http://10secondclub.org/users/juicy/

1 - Getting Started
2 - Mesh Modelling: Modelling
3 - Lightning: Lightning
4 - Materials: Materials
5 - Keyframing 1, 2 and 2b: Animation

Kino: http://www.kino3d.com/

1 - Yable home (with doc and forum)
2 - MakeHuman home (with doc and Hair tutorial)

mad bastard: http://madbastard1.tripod.com/

1 - IKA legs: Animation
2 - SubSurf Modelling: Modelling
3 - Landing Gear Rig: Animation
4 - Camera Matching: Composition

malefico: http://malefico3d.com.ar/3dhut-main.html

1 - The Camera: Camera settings
2 - Skies - I, II: World settings
3 - Subsurf Modelling: Modelling
4 - Depth of Field: Rendering
5 - Blender Multimedia: Soundtracks
6 - Constrained Mechanics: Animation

OTO http://otothegardener.free.fr/tutorials/tutorials.htm

1 - Want you to make a little game?!?: Game engine
2 - Texture: texturing
3 - Armored Character: Animation
4 - Pinball: Game Engine
5 - Woman Character: Modelling
6 - Car: Modelling
7 - F1: Modelling

pofo: http://w1.185.telia.com/~u18510119/

1 - Making a beveled cube: Modelling
2 - Making a wastebasket: Modelling
3 - Copying stuff in spiral: Modelling

ReD Fox: http://www-personal.interkan.net/~gspshome/redfox/tutorial.html

1 - A Blender Quickstart
2 - Basic Parenting: Parenting
3 - Blending into Wireframe: Rendering
4 - Booleans using the 'Intersect feature: Modelling
5 - Curves-n-Bevels: Modelling
6 - Using Bump, Specular… : Texturing
7 - Create cool landscapes using GIMP: World settings
8 - Modelling a Fork - lattice deformation: Modelling
9 - Creating a nice Ocean view: Texturing
10 - Plane follow path: Animation
11 - Solar System for Beginners: Animation
12 - A Spiral Staircase: Modelling
13 - Stencilling: Texturing
14 - Sun Shining through a Window: Lightning

S68: http://www.selleri.org/Blender/

1 - Cartoon-like landscape: World settings
2 - Soft Illumination: Lightning
3 - Lightning Bolts: Modelling
4 - Robot animation: Character Animation

shibbydude: http://www.reblended.com/

1 - Blender’s Interface
2 - The Blender Windows
3 - Navigating in 3D Space
4 - Saving
5 - Building a Castle: Modelling
6 - Texturing a Castle: Texturing
7 - Appending Files in Blender
8 - Building a Spiral Stair: Modelling
9 - Candle Modelling: Modelling
10 - Controlling Dynamic Objects: Realtime
11 - Enviromental Maps: Materials
12 - Fireworks: Particles
13 - Controlling Flocks of Objects: Flock Plug-In
14 - Game Engine: Realtime
15 - Game Textures: Realtime
16 - Global Illumination: Global Illumination
17 - Head Creator Plugin: Head Plugin
18 - IKAs: Character Animation
19 - Jump!: Realtime
20 - Particles: Particles
21 - Radiosity: Global Illumination
22 - Refraction: Texturing
23 - Shaded Particles: particles
24 - Spotlight: Lightning
25 - Toonshading: lightning
26 - UVMapping: Texturing

SirDude: http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~mein/blender/tutorials/dust/

1 - Dust: World settings/Materials/Textures

StarTrek - Blender: http://members.lycos.co.uk/stblender/main.html

1 - Raise Shields, Fire Phasers: Special effects
2 - Converting 3D models into Blender: Modelling
3 - Modeling Tips and Tricks: Modelling
4 - Shockwave: Animation
5 - Explosions: Animation
6 - Positioning the arms on McKinley Station: Modelling

SysAdmin: http://www.centralsource.com/blender/effects.htm

Not actually TUTORIALS but .blend files with very interesting
"special effects on:
1 - Flames
2 - Liquids
3 - Explosions
4 - Flares
5 - Smoke

Tekobyte: http://tekobyte.net/index2.html

1 - Mesh landscapes: Modelling
2 - Realistic Clouds in Blender: World settings

tHe IcemAn: http://members.yourlink.net/gruff/

1 - Game Blender mini tute I-II-III-IV: Realtime
2 - Texture tutorial in GIMP: Texturing
3 - Custom Bumpmaps: Texturing
4 - Mountain: Modelling
5 - Pencil: Modelling
6 - Jet Engines: Modelling
7 - HexHead Bolts: Modelling
8 - Loudspeakers: Modelling
9 - Low poly count modelling: Modelling
10 - Racing Wheel: Modelling
11 - Torpedo: Modelling
12 - Advanced Mesh Modelling: Modelling
13 - Boolean Operations: Modelling

TurboG http://www.anycities.com/turbog/Tutorial1.html

1 - Basic Armatures: Armatures

valarking http://mysite.iptic.com/tutlinks/

Well… another list of tutorial here

VelikM http://www.michaelv.f2s.com/tutorials.html

1 - How to apply multiple materials to one object: Materials
2 - Curve basics: Modelling
3 - Working with text in Blender: Modelling
4 - Using Warp: Modelling
5 - Paint basics: Texture
6 - RelativeVertexKeys the basics: Animation
7 - Adding a texture to a plane for rotoscoping: Texture
8 - EnvMap basics it’s about reflections : Texture

04-09-2002 8:55 Added SysAdmin, Malefico
05-09-2002 9:53 Updated SysAdmin, added BgDM
06-09-2002 8:32 Added BlenderLab
06-09-2002 16:00 Added a lot of people from the ring…
09-09-2002 16:18 Added another lot of people from the ring…
10-09-2002 8:36 Added blengine :slight_smile:
11-09-2002 13:50 Added Al_Capone
13-09-2002 13:43 Added mad bastard
23-09-2002 12:34 Added env, updated malefico
25-09-2002 09:15 Added TurboG
30-09-2002 09:50 Added jms
19-10-2002 09:05 Updated malefico address
21-10-2002 09:47 Added VelikM
24-10-2002 16:09 Added OTO
11-12-2002 10:25 Added valarking
01-02-2003 09:00 Upbated BlendeD Planet
28-02-2003 18:25 RedBlend is actually Shibbydude (and Reblended - I’m dislexycal)
13-03-2003 09:20 Kino

And of course, those on ELYSIUN (CHECK THE PAGE!!!)

Can’t thank ya enough. :smiley:

Hi S68,

I dont want to be a pain in the ass, but, the BVH section at SysAdms site maybe worth listing :



(oh and, thanks for posting all the tut`s :))

You know the tutorials are nice but…

most of them are very dated. Not that makes them useless but they are less then helpful especially if it is about IKAs and you have blender 2.2 or greater.

It would be very nice if someone ( I might be able to start doing this this weekend ) would go through and put version number with tutorials. Additionally, this person should email the host of those tutorials that are not longer useful or helpful. It does no good to have tutorials up if it no longer works. And it is very frustrating to those of us who struggle through these tutorials only to find that a) there’s a better or b) “oh that feature has been changed”.

Not trying to be a putz…I just think the tutorial situation could be alot better. I am willing help it be better. We need a central tutorial library that is version controlled. If anybody willing help let me know and we will go from there.



We’re working on that :wink:


and the tutes on Babylon 5 Blender are in revision, for the record. :slight_smile: (Although they still are fine for Blender 2.23, I updated them that far at least, just could use some additional work)

hey u missed some!


my very very old tutorials are there… the bottom 3 still work:
-modeling/lighting an acoustic guitar and scene in many ways
-modeling columns/lighting with radioisty
-makeing a campfire scene

oh and dont forget my new video tutorials on my current site! theyre 5$ each for shipping and materials


-jaguar car modeling/textureing/lighting/scene
-head modeling/lighting

Hey, I know you, and I appreciate your work :slight_smile: I looked or tuts on your site and I didn’t found them (except the video one, on sale)!!!

Bof, I added all.


Wow thats cool…at my beginning in blender I was looking at how to make good fire…And yours help me alot…Nice tut granpa!

hey s68 thanks for adding me =D

hey x-warrior, glad i could help :wink:

The guy didn’t get much feedback on Chat but I think his 4 (PDF) tutorials are pretty nice:


                    1. IKA Legs (using armatures)
                    2. SubSurf modeling
                    3. Landing Gear (armatures)
                    4. Camera calibration (using ICARUS)


Thanx :slight_smile:



Also (in french) :


Thank you, S68, for posting the links to my tutorials in your list.


www.anycities.com/turbog/turbog.html is main site
http://www.anycities.com/turbog/Tutorial1.html for my tutorial on basic rigging of armatures w/pictures and a little on animation :slight_smile: Other tutorials probably go much more in depth, but mine is pretty basic. Feel free to add it (probably not heard of cause I only got 1 tut and it’s burried under 1 mil post)

Also, great job compiling all these S68! I went through quite a few now that they are findeable and finished my space duel movie (posted soon). Just needed a good one on smoke/flames :slight_smile: Had the basics but that helped a ton!

Sorry… I add only english tuts on the official list untill something better than a plain list will be up…


And also:


http://jmsoler.free.fr/util/blenderfile/povanim.htm (bilingual left side :french, right side: english)


here is another link

I had to rebuild my site on another host, so here is the new address for my tutes:

or else



any tutorials on using the texture painting tool?? I’m interested in what it does :smiley:
