Current stage package

Now i’m waiting only for your critics and sugestions (list’ll be the best) what do you want to see?
Any impossible things with blender :slight_smile: should i try to do??? I know about/ env maps, procedural, materials,weather conditions, lights, motion effect, fans, driver, fauna and flora…hehe, more cars, buildings, liquids, fog, storm,pools, colisions ,…) what else ???
Warning! Veeeeeeeeeeeery primitive.

I want to do it today so help me with max number of efects and details.

how about fire, dirt/mud, jumps, flat tires? :slight_smile:
almost forgot: race girls? :wink:

Yeah.Where’s my head.I’v forgotten about most important detail “race girls” !!!

Jumps, a dirt and a mud??? It isn’t WRC scene (perhaps next one’ll be) it’s GT .
You can m@il me photos of WRC cars and sponsor’s logos.