CurtisS F1

Hi all,

I have always liked the retro, “deco” style and I decided to give creating a F1 Challenge car in this style. It has a long ways to go like adding a rear suspension and many, many small details but you get the idea, Let me know what you think.

Add AO, and change the world, use the souix car library thing for paint.

Looks cool. I see what you mean about the retro-deco style. Perhaps some chrome would go well, maybe augmenting the grill area on the lower front…or wrapping all the way around.

When was the last time you entered your own competition? :eyebrowlift2:

There is alot of good form and some great lines on this design. The thing just behind the cockpit is infront of the rear spoiler (POV) and is unclear because of that.

I have always submitted my “entries” as examples only (except for one year when I submitted an unfinished design). This year I have not decided how to place my entry since there is a good chance that I will actually finish it. :slight_smile:

How about it, people? What do you think of me entering the contest I sponsor??

The more the merrier I think! We seem to be rather lacking competition so far this year (and everyone who started theirs disappeared off the face of the planet!)

Nice. Needs chrome.
I don’t think much of any of it from a mechanical standpoint, but this is art, not engineering!

Been working on this project more. Here is an update with raytrace (Blender internal) and a little AO (4). I will be working on the environment soon. Then on to final lighting and shading. C and C welcome!

Change the camera angle, that thruster thing behind the cockpit is in the way of the spoiler.

Good work so far.