i tried to add a UV map for a twisted wire on a curve with PBR node
and don’t get the render to work
here is nodes
can someone help to get this working
UV map is this
happy bl
i tried to add a UV map for a twisted wire on a curve with PBR node
and don’t get the render to work
here is nodes
can someone help to get this working
UV map is this
happy bl
I (not really knowing) don’t think Curves really have UV’s but may this will help.
i did it in 2.79
and cannot get it to work even after looking at the tut !
tried it in 3.1 and it is beginning to work
but not all around only a small portion is uv map
can you explain why it is not working ?
in 3.0 i don’t see the use uv mapping
where is it now ?
when they say to use location and scale that is the one in the curve panel is it ?
in bl 3.0
not looking good at all !
happy bl
in 3.1 it is beginning to work
but very strong distortion on vertical curve
is there anything to correct that ?
now in 2.79 not working at all !
happy bl
I’ve been looking, I havn’t seen anything really… How did you do that? I was thinking though, you could make a mesh cylinder and put a lot of geometry on in and bend it with a curve so you would not have to deal with the curve UV’s
i need several curving curve for some wires
so much easier to do with curves and UV then doing it with mesh
now for 2.79 cannot make it work
but doe seem to work in 31
so very strange why this is not working in 2.79
i will have to re make my original file in 3.1
and be able to use curves + UV instead of mesh
happy bl
Ahem… and why do you use generated instead of UV ?? (shown in 3.0 also tested in 3.1)
And also why using a new texture node with the same texture again for bump but no mapping??
this first image was first quick test which i change to follow tut
the tut seems to show to use the generated mapping
not certain why?
are you saying that it should be UV mapping ?
at least now it is beginning to work
mind you the 3D effect is minimal
will try to find a more high res photo
did you test it under 2,.79
it still does not work for me only in 3.1
happy bl
It seems to be that in 3.0 you don’t need use UV anymore because it’s the default (Auto Texture Space)?
curveUV279.blend (99.0 KB)
Did a test in 279 have to scale y=0.1 …
curveUV279.blend (99.0 KB)
check this one out
image is not added in 2.79
Oki-curveUV279-2.blend (91.7 KB)
also in 3.1
the scale value are extremely sensitive
have to manually adjust the number instead of using the scroll button
happy bl
I think i remember now: 279 was extremly picky fro me about showing the correct texture if used cycles… that’s the reason why i used internal for a much too long time… if you change to Rendered then you can see it…
But for your wire… that’s what i didn’t understand using UV for genereated… button if you use UV and not rendered in the texture coodinate node then it works… (maybe that’s also the reson why it disapeared… makes no sense ?? )
looks to me like a bug
anyway as it works better in 3.1 i will port my original file into 3.1 and keep going with 3.1
have to get use to 3.1 now LOL
only thing i still have to better understand are the new geom node
much more complicated then the old modifiers stack
happy bl