Curve cutting or Mesh cutting question.

I am doing a basic curving intersection test, where the cube object and the NURBS surface are my example.

I can add the boolean variable to the cube, but not the NURBS surface.

-What do I need to do to convert the NURBS surface so that I can do the boolean variable?

-What is the keyboard shortcut to bring up the little conversion menu, or where is the button to click?

-Can I use this to do curved intersections/substractions and not just straight line ones?

slicing.blend (500 KB)

alt+c and remember to adjust resolution before conversion

but using boolean on solid and flat object will give you strange result, better make this shape alittle thick. or just tell us what do U want to archive

I want to use the curvature mesh like a knife, to bisect the cube in irregular
fashion like a knife, but to the shape of the curvature mesh. However,
using the boolean operations method and curve to mesh convertion,
it only operates on the original mesh and not from there to the cube.

What do I need to do to have bisection happening? What would a resolution
adjustment do, and where would I do this? Is that talking about subdivision?
What difference would thickness make, and so I just achieve that by a large
extrude on my curvature mesh?

I just want bisection happening, and am not certain what the other
subtle suggestions prior have been talking about, or what they might do.


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maybe i don’t understand but it seams to be easy,
you want result like this? :

Thats just simple boolean on converted curve and cube…
There was a time that boolean gives me bad results on meshes with no thickness, that seems to work now.
Little help to see subdivisions of nurb and to set it, after convert to mesh will look exactly like it.
Also remember that object used for boolean might look like noting happens cause might be behind suboperator, u have to hide suboperator.

-This is exactly what I have in mind. However, when I do this, it keeps one of the 2
cube bisections, and seem to throw the other one away. How do I get it
to keep both of the 2 cube parts?

-By the way, instead of converting a mesh object like a line or a cube,
or doing so anyway and keeping one available to just duplicate off,
how can I place an unconnected point into the blender modelling space?
I’ve been told it’s <Ctrl + Left Mouse Button>, but I perform this and get no result.
Is there a setting I need to change to enable this? If so where, or, what am I
supposed to do?

Duplicate your object and do to the first one Boolean Intersect and second one Boolean Difference. I assume your cutter has no thickness.

-You are a total genius, and entirely correct. The intersection/difference
approach will give me different bisections of the cube. Not that there’s any real
worry at all now, but can you get both bisections of the cube as the result?

-When keeping the inner cut on the cube, it draws extra planar mapping lines
to one of the bisection’s corners. Why is this?

-By the way, instead of converting a mesh object like a line or a cube,
or doing so anyway and keeping one available to just duplicate off,
how can I place an unconnected point into the blender modelling space?
I’ve been told it’s <Ctrl + Left Mouse Button>, but I perform this and get no result.
Is there a setting I need to change to enable this? If so where, or, what am I
supposed to do?

-If I have a mesh object, with a particular number of subdivisions from one
edge to the opposite one, how can you get it to add more of these
subdivisions (I can do this when using bsurfaces, but not just normally) ?

If I have some surface or mesh selected, what do I do to get abstract lines
for point and segment normals (blue and green) to display for me?

You must be in Edit mode to Extrude = Control+LMouseClick.

You must be in Edit mode to Extrude = Control+LMouseClick.

I am doing this, but am still getting nothing.

I am using 32 bit 2.69 Blender.


Do you have normal key configuration ?

Ah yes, I know about this vid’s point. However this isn’t quite what I had in mind. This is adding straight lines to a new point.
I want to just add lonely, disconnected points without reforming something to a point and duplicating.
I would also want to delete an adjoining line between two points, and have one, two or any of the
vertices to be left behind and not destroyed too.

Select vertices, edges or faces and Delete > Only edges and faces, there you have all vertices disconnected.

-I have found the answer to my display normals thing on my own: in the numerics
area <n>, under Mesh Display, there are two button toggles for vertex and face normals.

Select vertices, edges or faces and Delete > Only edges and faces, there you have all vertices disconnected.

-Well, that certainly answers my question in terms of deletion.

-How do you carte blanche just add a vertex point connected to nothing?

Select one vertex, duplicate (Shift+D) and move it.

In edit mode, ctrl-LMB clicking will extrude the selected elements to where you click. If no elements are selected, then Ctrl-clicking will palace a vertex at your click location. It will be selected BUT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE IT IN EDGE OR FACE MODE. The next click will extrude from this vertex as you might expect (after having read this post:D)

I can only get this to work if I have one vertex selected to start, and then it will insist on linking subsequent points.

If I have nothing selected, it simply will not create an isolated point, by using <ctrl> and the mouse.

Can this be fixed, is it possible to just add entirely isolated vertices (points) ?

Are you sure you are in edit mode, in vertex select mode, solid or wireframe view? It works for me so it really should work for you…

By the way, instead of converting a mesh object like a line or a cube,
or doing so anyway and keeping one available to just duplicate off,
how can I place an unconnected point into the blender modelling space?
I’ve been told it’s <Ctrl + Left Mouse Button>, but I perform this and get no result.
Is there a setting I need to change to enable this? If so where, or, what am I
supposed to do?

Don’t worry, I’ve worked out the problem. You want to have a separate full object for each point placed. When It is ready to do point placing, the mouse cursor turns into a + shape. You need to use the <p> key for each point, to have it entertained as an independent object in its own right.

-If I have a mesh object, with a particular number of subdivisions from one
edge to the opposite one, how can you get it to add more of these
subdivisions (I can do this when using bsurfaces, but not just normally) ?

The answer here is that you need to do a limited dissolve in vertex editing mode.

-You are a total genius, and entirely correct. The intersection/difference
approach will give me different bisections of the cube. Not that there’s any real
worry at all now, but can you get both bisections of the cube as the result?

I know you can do either or, but is it possible to have both? (or not really, it just goes by the available boolean operators before the apply step)?

-My only question is as follows: When doing thins like mesh intersections by adding boolean modifiers, you must always converted away from a NURBS surface. Are there going to be options added to Blender like having added modifiers to NURBS surfaces as they are, along with knifing and subdivicing, which at the moment only work for meshes? Are there any free, working plugins to facilitate this?