Curve hair on Subdivided Surface?

Good day,

I am getting into setting up Curve Hair based on the Geometry nodes introduced about a year ago. Right now I am adding and coming the guide curves before adding the Interpolate geometry node.

While I was doing this, however, a question popped into my mind. The mesh that I am applying the curves to, which is a human head, is a mesh that has a subdivision surface applied to it. The Curves seem to be at the right place, but I was wondering whether it is okay to add curves to a mesh with a subdivision surface modifier to it or not. Let me know what you think.

Thank you,

In theory - yes, it is okay. Curves’ Surface Deform algorithm relies on UV map, similar to Sample UV Surface geometry node. (That’s why hair sculpting fails to work if the mesh has overlapping UVs). Therefore, it should be independent from vertex count.
Image from Gyazo
Though only testing with actual animated model can tell for sure.

Thank you. I took it further and it seems to stick on the surface at the right place. However, ir you switch to Edit mode the curves sometimes seem to be floating off the surface. In object mode it looks good though.