Hey everyone, I am making a short film where I want to model and animate a sort of tentacle using the curve modifier, but the tentacle is behaving in a strange way when following the curve.
It doesn’t follow in the right location, the scale changes when adding the curve modifier, and it also stretches.
curve has its radius changed and is set to get that into account when deforming in object data properties of the curve. Could disable it, or reset the radius with all handles selected Deform mesh along curve - #5 by JA12
It deforms and follows the curve but a new problem arise
the deforms are angled, even though the curve resolution is the maximum. I can’t remember if I’ve ever ran into this problem or how to fix it. Maybe someone else knows
It’s finally fixed !
I did what you said and it didn’t fix my problem, but then I found the solution ; for some reason the curve resolution was set at 12, changing it to 1024 fixed it !
It was still not aligned tho, but following your steps made it work perfectly, thank you for the help !