Curve modifier problem


I have a BezierCurve (BezierCurve1) what I used as path to scale and move a cube (Cube1) along it. The Cube1 I parented (Object) to the BezierCurve1 to keep it in place if I move the BezierCurve1.
If I place the BezierCurve1 where I created it (on the ground in front view) and I activate the cube and hit G-X then I can move the cube exactly along the BezierCurve1. I also can scale Cube1 along the x-axis and the cube stretches correctly along the BezierCurve1. So far no problem.
Now I rotate my BezierCurve (in the file it is now BezierCurver2 and Cube2).
I still can stretch the cube (Cube2) along the x-axis by pressing S-X and it stretches along the BezierCurve2. But now my problem, if I want to move Cube2 still along BezierCurve2, I don’t know how to do. I cannot constraint the movement to the x-axis anymore because the BezierCurve2 is rotated. If I hit just G to move the Cube2 it just moves somewhere in 3D space but no longer along the BezierCurve2.
So how can I move the Cube2 along the BezierCurve2 now?

Blend file (2.56a) is attached.

Thanks for any help!


FollowPath.blend (398 KB)

Use G-X-X to move along its local x axis. Or change the orientation on the 3d view header from Global to Local.

Hi Richard,

thanks you are right! I don’t know why I did not try this by myself! Sometimes it’s so easy!