Curve-To-Mesh with UVs node-group for Blender 3.0/4.0 (Geometry Nodes)


Thanks for your help !

I found the issue but it’s strange !

If I use “uv” as attribute/property name it doesn’t work.

But if I use any other name like “Hello” or “UVMap” then it works.

Like if the name “uv” is already reserved for other things in my file but i don’t know what ?

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Weird… it doesn’t do that in my setup (Using Blender 3.1.2) - is it possible one of the plugins you are using is somehow “reserving” that attribute name?

Good luck.

Yes it’s probably form one of the addon I’m using, I will try to isolate the source.

This is so freaking good, great work!!

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Updated Blender 4.0 version added to original post. New method now doesn’t require disconnect curve.


Nice , small suggestion add a option to flip x y

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Similar to the primitives it is up to you how you want to capture the UVs:

Feel free to make your own FlipXY node-group :wink:


Thank you for updating your projects here. Always great if you stumble upon it via a google search^^

File above has been updated to support curves and profiles with 2 points…
The fix has kindly been provided by @Zebrahead

Previously when either the curve or the profile consisted of a 2-point curve, then the node-group will not produce the correct results. This has been fixed.

Many thanks to Zebrahead for finding the issue and providing the fix!


While preparing an example for someone, I found a slight problem with the caps. I am using the Version 3, for some reason version 4 was doing this;

With version 3 the caps were not taking into account the radius of the points so I added a capture attribute to get the radius to scale the instances of the caps

Without it it did this

I have not checked this in other use cases, but I thought it was worth noting.
Thanks for your Tool by the way. :smiley:

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Thanks for the feedback… unfortunately I cannot reproduce the issues with version 4. Could you maybe please share the blend file? Thanks.

Sure here it is, version 4 does do the caps well but the UV’s are off.

C-mV4.blend (130.5 KB)

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Thanks for the feedback.

The issue is that the UV output was in Point Attribute Domain… it needs to be using the Face-Corner Attribute Domain… Same goes for the CapMask. You can also use Named Attributes instead of the Group output but you also need to remember to use the Face-Corner Domain.

Hope that helps.


Ok so my fault!

Yeah, the old one was disconnecting cyclic curves, so, altering the underlying Geometry and was quite a bit slower as a result…

No, I’m thinking it is my fault for not being clear in the description… Will update.


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Yes I looked a bit closer and saw that version 3 worked because it was splitting the profile curve.
Version 4 is better.