Curve trbl

Im modeling a ww2 Hangar and its similar to the train tunnel in the andrew price tutorial. What i would like to do is place thin rectangular wooden beams lengthwise down the inside of the cylinder. I cannot get the rectangular strips to follow the curvature of the cylinder even using the curve modifier it gets warped. Pretty sure I’m doing it wrong lol. I guess i want the thin modeled pieces to follow the curve of the other object being the cylinder. I would also use same technique for the wooden scaffolding that runs along the inside of the tube.

I know i definitely do not want to use an image and tile it. Any help greatly appreciated !

if the origin is off center, do CTRL alt shift C - origin to center of mass.
if you are using an array modifier, then make sure that the arraymodifier is ABOVE the curve modifier.
if its just one long cylinder, make sure that it has geometry to deform itself.

i cant really tell what the issue is, so if you could send us a screenshot or blendfile then it would be a lot easier for us to help you.

Thank you I think I am using array modifier wrong realize now if I have object offset checked I could make planks repeat themselves in a circle. I just watched tutorial on blender cookie. I will post a ref picture up when I know what I’m doing lol.