Some of you might find this interesting… example of horrid commodore/amiga fonts.
Heres a script that can convert BDF bitmap fonts into C++ data files blender uses to draw bitmap fonts.
These files can replace… just be sure to set the -name option to one matching blenders.
eg python -name=helv12 myfile.bdf
BDF fonts are easy to find, this is also interesting to have a simple BDF font reader in 30 lines.
At the moment theres a problem with fonts over 8px wide because blender stores each row as a char, easy to change.
BTW, People still like bitmap fonts? - would be nicer just to be able to use the OS’s bitmap fonts, probably not that hard to add. Glut alredy does this.
HELP_TXT = 'usage "python -name=SomeName myfile.bdf"'
import sys
def parse_bdf(f, MAX_CHARS=256):
lines = [l.strip().upper().split() for l in f.readlines()]
is_bitmap = False
dummy = {'BITMAP':[]}
char_data = [dummy.copy() for i in xrange(MAX_CHARS)]
context_bitmap = []
for l in lines:
if l[0]=='ENCODING': enc = int(l[1])
elif l[0]=='BBX': bbx = [int(c) for c in l[1:]]
elif l[0]=='DWIDTH': dwidth = int(l[1])
elif l[0]=='BITMAP': is_bitmap = True
elif l[0]=='ENDCHAR':
if enc < MAX_CHARS:
char_data[enc]['BBX'] = bbx
char_data[enc]['DWIDTH'] = dwidth
char_data[enc]['BITMAP'] = context_bitmap
context_bitmap = []
enc = bbx = None
is_bitmap = False
# None of the above, Ok, were reading a bitmap
if is_bitmap and enc < MAX_CHARS:
context_bitmap.append( int(l[0], 16) )
return char_data
# -------- end simple BDF parser
def convert_to_blender(bdf_dict, font_name, origfilename, MAX_CHARS=256):
# first get a global width/height, also set the offsets
xmin = ymin = 10000000
xmax = ymax = -10000000
bitmap_offsets = [-1] * MAX_CHARS
bitmap_tot = 0
for i, c in enumerate(bdf_dict):
if c.has_key('BBX'):
bbx = c['BBX']
xmax = max(bbx[0], xmax)
ymax = max(bbx[1], ymax)
xmin = min(bbx[2], xmin)
ymin = min(bbx[3], ymin)
bitmap_offsets[i] = bitmap_tot
bitmap_tot += len(c['BITMAP'])
# Now we can write. Ok if we have no .'s in the path.
f = open(origfilename.split('.')[0] + '.cpp', 'w')
#include <config.h>
#include "BMF_FontData.h"
#include "BMF_Settings.h"
f.write('#if BMF_INCLUDE_%s
' % font_name.upper())
f.write('static unsigned char bitmap_data[]= {')
newline = 8
for i, c in enumerate(bdf_dict):
for cdata in c['BITMAP']:
# Just formatting
if newline >= 8:
newline = 0
# End formatting
f.write('0x%.2hx,' % cdata) # 0x80 <- format
f.write("BMF_FontData BMF_font_%s = {
" % font_name)
f.write(' %d, %d,
' % (xmin, ymin))
f.write(' %d, %d,
' % (xmax, ymax))
f.write(' {
for i, c in enumerate(bdf_dict):
if bitmap_offsets[i] == -1 or c.has_key('BBX') == False:
f.write(' {0,0,0,0,0, -1},
bbx = c['BBX']
f.write(' {%d,%d,%d,%d,%d, %d},
' % (bbx[0], bbx[1], -bbx[2], -bbx[3], c['DWIDTH'], bitmap_offsets[i]))
def main():
# replace "[-name=foo]" with "[-name] [foo]"
args = []
for arg in sys.argv:
for a in arg.replace('=', ' ').split():
name = 'untitled'
done_anything = False
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg == '-name':
if i==len(args)-1:
print 'no arg given for -name, aborting'
name = args[i+1]
elif arg.lower().endswith('.bdf'):
f = open(arg)
print '...Writing to:', arg
print 'could not open "%s", aborting' % arg
bdf_dict = parse_bdf(f)
convert_to_blender(bdf_dict, name, arg)
done_anything = True
if not done_anything:
print HELP_TXT
print '...nothing to do'
if __name__ == '__main__':