Custom composition guides?


There is a drop down list of composition guides in the object menu of the camera. I want to use my own custom composition guide, is it possible to do this?



Yes, it is possible.
You have to modify (using ‘C’) the following files:


And put them back into your blender.

You could get away with just modifying an existing preset
in view3d_draw.c.

Thanks! I may try that (though it will take a fair bit of my time…it’s not something I’m entirely familiar with). I had an idea this morning to parent a transparent plane to the camera with transparent alpha image aligned with camera view in the view port, that may work but would be a much dirtier solution.

Are you looking for a certain size square/rectangular shape or something wild?

I’m just playing with some compositional ideas. I was considering converting some sketches of key lines, shapes, forms etc into a guide to quickly check how the 3D version lines up with original sketches. Using the empty image object and importing a png with alpha transparency actually works fine for the fairly rough comparisons that I’m looking to do.

Any chance we’ll have custom guideline in 2.8?

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