I’m wanting to add custom properties to a model and save these with an exported mesh.
(I originally posted this question to the ‘basics’ group, but they didn’t seem to understand what I was on about :))
The idea is to be able to mark up verticies / faces with game-specific information (e.g.: I’d like to tag some of the model as a portal area). Later on I’d like to be able to tag parts of models as weapon slots etc…
I’m not sure that’s possible at all, never mind in blender- you might be better off using multiple objects and parenting -e.g. a plain box, open on one end, with a portal for a child covering the hole (no portals in blender at the moment but, if I’m not mistaken, your not using blender for your GE). The parenting might have to be done after importing into the GE your using, but I don’t really know much about exporting, you might be able to export multiple objects as one
(did any of that make sense/help at all?)
you can add smoothing groups, vertex groups and diffrent materials and name them in blender…
this all exports with the OBJ file format, which is text based…
you will have to hack it from here
take a look at an exported .OBJ in a text editor, it is pretty easy to understand…
Thanks p00f - I’ll give that a go - being able to name vertex groups and have that come out in the OBJ export ought to be fine. It sounds like I could just use a naming convention to mark up the bits I want.