That tool does not work on OSX 2.28 . Any clues ?
Using a clean Global Dictionary.
Run Python script “” …
KNIFE TOOL - © Dec. 2002 Stefano <S68> Selleri
Vers. 0.0.3 - Released under Blender Artistic License ( )
In Object_GetSelected()
OK: Active object is a single face plane -> Getting Cut Data
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 412, in bevent
File “”, line 323, in DoTheCut
File “”, line 106, in CutData
File “/sw/lib/python2.2/”, line 38, in warn
filename = sys.argv[0]
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘argv’
August 8, 2003, 4:36pm
The sys.argv problem is a known problem. I think that should be solve in the next release.
but you can fix it anyway, just add this code at the start of the script (not tested, but should work):
import sys
sys.argv = [""]
Ok that makes it work just a bit buggy.
The bug is that it creates the new mesh elsewhere.
And the gui reverts to the code. Can you fix those parts ?
August 9, 2003, 12:40pm
1/ replace all the getSelected() by GetSelected()
2/ at line 358, replace the lines:
# Li posiziona dove devono stare
ObPos.loc = tuple(Obj.loc)
ObPos.rot = tuple(Obj.rot)
ObPos.size = tuple(Obj.size)
ObNeg.loc = tuple(Obj.loc)
ObNeg.rot = tuple(Obj.rot)
ObNeg.size = tuple(Obj.size)
# Li posiziona dove devono stare
ObPos.LocX, ObPos.LocY, ObPos.LocZ = Obj.LocX,Obj.LocY,Obj.LocZ
ObPos.RotX,ObPos.RotY,ObPos.RotZ = Obj.RotX,Obj.RotY,Obj.RotZ
ObPos.SizeX,ObPos.SizeY,ObPos.SizeZ = Obj.SizeX,Obj.SizeY,Obj.SizeZ
ObNeg.LocX, ObNeg.LocY,ObNeg.LocZ= Obj.LocX,Obj.LocY,Obj.LocZ
ObNeg.RotX, ObNeg.RotY, ObNeg.RotZ= Obj.RotX,Obj.RotY,Obj.RotZ
ObNeg.SizeX,ObNeg.SizeY,ObNeg.SizeZ = Obj.SizeX,Obj.SizeY,Obj.SizeZ
( the modified script )
Awsome ! Thankyou all.
Now if it could use a plane with more than one face. But that is just asking for to much
August 9, 2003, 3:46pm
It will probably not be a plane if it has more than one face. Heck, even one face (a quad) is sometimes not a plane.
September 9, 2003, 1:15pm
btw. I had to delete the else: (it would be possible to correct it, but Im just too tired ) -> whitelie
msg = "ERROR: active object has no face"